"Gonna go to the studio and go over some of the old routines and try to do something different, do some recordings and what not," I said drinking down the food.

"You should have Hobi hyung help you, he's really good at pointing out things and correcting it," he suggested.

"Alright, I'll see if he has anything going on today so I can get started," I said getting up and taking both our dishes and washing them.

He came behind me and held me feeling his warmth then his lips on my neck causing me to shiver.

"I love you Minie, you're the best thing that has happened to me," he said softly.

Tears fell from my face before I noticed it and turned to look at him.

"Oh, I didn't mean to make you cry," he said frantically.

"It's ok, I didn't notice it until now, I guess they're out of happiness," I said kissing him then wiped my tears.

We went our separate ways and got a hold of Hobi, who wasn't with the idea of leaving Seolji but got dressed and went with me to help me out.

"Well, surely you're great at dancing just.....you're a bit too precise. You hit everything to the tee but don't soften up when you should. Let me show you what I mean."

He started the music over and went through the choreo but it looks so much different from what I was doing. Once he was done, I couldn't help but stare at him in awe.

"Now, wanna know how to do that?"

I nodded and we went to work. It was exhausting but it felt so good. By the time we were done, Taehyung came in with his bag and saw us on the floor panting.

"Oh you're with Hobi?"

"Yea, I called him to help me. Is it that time already?"

"Yea, when you catch your breath, we'll start the special training."

"What training?"

I looked at him and he looked at hyung with his normal resting face.

"I'm teaching Jimin to be sexy and fluid. Also with his expressions, but since you're here this will make things easier," he explained.

"Does Kook know?" Hobi hyung then asks.

"Of course not, this is to be held from him because he plans on performing at the shop since he's working there," Tae replied.

"I also wanna learn how to belly dance......like you guys," I said causing them to look at me at the same time.

Tae's smile crawled on either side of his face. I don't know what he has in mind but there's no turning back.

"Alright, well we'll incorporate it into your training, also hyung do you want in on this or do you have other things to attend to?"

"I want Jimin to make Kook weak in the knees," He said laughing.

"Alright, time to turn this goodi two shoes into a dancing slut," he said taking his shirt off.

Hyung followed him and Tae walks over to me snatching my shirt off effortlessly leaving me holding myself.

"First rule: Get use to this. You're going to be half naked in front of people depending on what you're dancing too and it's good to feel comfortable with yourself along with building confidence within yourself."

"Besides you have a great build too," Hobi commented slapping my abs causing me to jump.

I nodded and lowered my hands and took a deep breath. We got to work and we were at the studio for so long that it felt like when I was kid when I would pack my lunch and go to my mom's studio and spent the night there to make sure that I got what I wanted out of practice. We made sure to eat and hydrate then went into it again hard. It was like I was being made into liquid because it was so hard to get it down. I didn't understand what they wanted me to do and other times I would get it right away. By the time it was ten at night, I learned so much that was having a hard time trying not to dance using what was taught to me.

"Alright, well I guess I don't have to do much with loosening you up. It's just getting used to it and working on your expressions. Need to get you to be sexy so we will work more on that with choreos that we've danced before and have hyung come in every now again to see what he thinks alright? Make sure you take a bath to relax because it's going to get harder from here," Taehyung said with a serious tone.

I nodded and walked over to him and gave him a genuine hug. He hugged me back. I couldn't be any more grateful than what I'm already feeling right now because I wouldn't move on without them. We got our stuff together and headed out walking to the dorms, chatting about random stuff until I saw someone at the corner of my eye.....Kai. He looked dead at me and smiled as he disappeared into the darkness. Fuck I forgot all about him and now he's stalking me?! I calmed down and didn't warn them because I don't want to stir them up. We said our goodbyes and I went into the dorm seeing Jungkook playing with his new toys on the coffee table.

"Hey baby, had fun?"

"Yea, you're hyung is the devil," I commented as I plopped on the couch face first dropping my bag on the floor.

"Yep, sounds about right," he said laughing.

So far I'm ready for whatever they have planned....but now that Kai is out and about to where he may know my schedule, I have to stay alert...no telling what he has planned and I don't think I want to part of it.

This was unedited but I am going back and edit as I go if I have the time so if there was anything wrong don't be afraid to let me know what's wrong because I wanted to get it out on time. Hope you enjoyed it!

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