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Lloyd's PoV

The sun shines through the window into my room, my clock starts to ring, I turn my heaf to it and turn it off. With a yawn I sit up and push my blanket off me. I rub over my eyes and stand up ruffling through my hair. I take some fresh clothes and leave my room to walk to the bathroom. I take a quick shower, put on some clean clothes and brush my teeth.

Hey, my name is Lloyd Garmadon and you could say I live a normal life.
Ok I don't, 9 months ago happend something that changed my whole life.

I became a superhero.

You might wonder what I'm talking about and ask if I'm alright, but it's true. With the energy miraculous and my Kwami Tigg I transform into the green Ninja and save the day. And 5 months ago I also became a guardian in order to watch over the last existing miraculous box. If you still don't know what I'm talking about then you aren't right here and should definitely leave this right away and caught up on everything you've missed.

I shake my head, take a towel and walk out of the bath rubbing my hair dry. I walk into my room and just when I open my door a little creature flies at me and hugs me.

"Good morning Lloyd!!!!"

I look at her suprised, I smile and just hug her, I walk in my room and close the door behind me.

"Good morning Tigg, how did you sleep?"

She looks at me with a bright smile. "Super good, I was so tired after the Akuma yesterday."

I smile, go to my table and open a drawer. "I know it was super exhausting and therefore..." I take out a lollipop with a ribbon around it and give it her. "I got you this."

She looks at it with big eyes and then at me, she flies over to me, hugs me and gives me a kiss on the nose.

"Thank you Lloyd, I love it!!!"

She takes the lollipop and flies with it over to the shelf I build for her. It hangs over my bed and it's like a little living space for her with some candy, a hammock and a little bathtub, when I found out that she likes to bath I build her it. I may not be the best with handiwork but I think it looks pretty good. Along with that I build some more things the last 5 months. I close the drawer again and walk out of my room, still drying my hair and yawning. I walk to the kitchen where my uncle already sits at the table and reads the newspaper.

"Good morning Nephew."

I walk to the refrigerator, open it and yawn. "Morning Uncle..."

He puts the newspaper down and looks at me. "Lloyd I noticed that you're lately pretty tired, is something wrong?"

I take out some things and make myself a sandwich. "No, everything is ok don't worry. Exams are just stressing me out."

Ok they aren't, but since he forget everything I keep my second identity a secret.

He nods slowly. "I see...don't stress yourself over to much, remember that you should take some time to calm down."

I take a bit off the sandwhich and nod. "Of course Uncle."

He stands up, takes his keys and his jacket. "Ok, I go to the shop, have fun at school." He walks over to me, gives me a kiss on the forehead and then leaves.

I wait untill I hear the door close and then walk out of the kitchen, eating my sandwhich. I walk through the floors of the monastery to the old meditation room. When I became the guardian I talked with Mystaké and we thought it would be better to move the meditation room somewhere else so if my uncle wants to meditate he wouldn't be in the room with the secret passage way. After all he could've found out somehow. I enter the room and lock the door after I entered, uncle isn't home but I'm still careful. The room looks now more like a chill out space. Sometimes I hang out here, building things, train my powers, make homework or just chill. Since I feel better being near the miraculous and all. Under the window, which is covered by a curtain, is a cozy couch, next to it stands a table and infront of the couch stands a big Tv. On the walls are hanging a lof of pictures from me with my uncle, my friends, Harumi or my kendo club. I walk over to the wall with the big group picture of me, my uncle and my friends. I also thought it would be safer when the secret room had a better security, so I contacted a good friend of my uncle. His name is Cyrus Borg and beside Mystaké is he the only one who knows about my true identity. So we both build a better security into the room, instead of just a keypad with a password the secret room now has a, voice recognition and a fingerprint scanner. So now when I press my thumb on myself on the picture while saying my full name, the computer behind the picture frame compares it with the data he saved and if it matches the door opens. I turn around and the TV moves to the side, the secret door in the wall opens and shows the secret passage way behind the door. I walk through it and press a button on the wall. The door closes again and I walk through the passage. Beside my own fingerprint I also gathered the ones of Kai, Nya, Cole, Zane, Jay and Pixal, or more likely of all the other miraculous holder. I also recorded each of them saying their own name, of course without them knowing. So if out of some reason I can't bring them their miraculous they would need to get them theirself. When they press on their own self and say there name the secret passageway also opens. But it would mean to reveal my identity so that's only for emergencies. I finally arrive at the secret room, all scrolls and everything I found in Wu's room about the guardian or the miraculous are now hidden here. The dragon stature stands on a table which is equipped with a hightech security system, in case of someome broke into the secret passage way with force the table would open and a little transportation system would bring the statue to a say place far away from here. You could say I'm paranoid and that it would never come so far but since I became the guardian nightmares started to hunt me. I just don't want to risk anything.
I go over to a shelf, take a scroll out and then walk out of the secret room again. I tried to learn everything I should know as a guardian with the help of the scrolls but it was so far useless, nothing helpful is written on them but I still try. I look at my watch and my eyes wide.

"I'M LATE!!!"

I run out of the secreat door, close it again and then run to my room. I grap my backpack, put my shoes on, grap my keys and then run out.


She looks at me surprised, she just ate her lollipop but then dropped it and followed me outside, flying into my backpack.

I run down the street to my school. Yes, I may be the guardian and green Ninja, but I'm still a teenager who is overwhelmed by all of this.

Energy Guardian: Season 2Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα