CHAPTER 48 - Leak Information

Start from the beginning

One of his men, Robert, walks into the room after knocking twice.

"We're about to find out." Tyrell says as Robert hands him a large envelope.

Tyrell doesn't bother to give the envelope to David, he starts to scan them with his eyes himself.

David sits on the edge of his desk as usual and waits for Tyrell to explain what's in his hands. Tyrell eyeballs rolls up to David as David's eyes find his as well.

"So?" David asks.

Tyrell's brows knit. "It seem as if your assistant, Kate, has been speaking to the wrong people." He starts, David chuckles and rolls his eyes, facing the ceiling. "She's been in contact with the press, journalists, even reporters for CNN, BBC and other news casts."

"So Kate did this?" He smiles, a smile with no good deed behind it, already knowing it's her but only wants the go ahead to destroy her.

"There's more." Tyrell says in which David furrows his brows, and straighten his posture to listen. "She was wired $50,000 from an offshore account. Also she's been in back and forth contact with a 'Jane Doe', meaning this phone number basically does not exists or belong to anyone." Tyrell pauses to look at David in deep thought. "She didn't go to the press off her own intentions. She was working for someone, someone anonymous." He finishes as David stares at him in thinking.

"Where's this account from?"

"The Bahamas. Strange."

The President's face relaxes then his eyes widen a little from somewhat realization. He gulps down the last of his drink then laughs out as soon as he swallows. He then flings the glass at the fire place, smashing it.

Does he and Mariyah have a fetish for smashing things?

Tyrell silently watches his actions, confused.

"How is this funny?" Tyrell asks which earns another chuckle from David.

"Rebecca...." He shrugs.

"You can't jump to assumptions. She's smart enough not to play these games with you, you can destroy her and she knows that." Tyrell reasons.

"Rebecca is smart, Tyrell. She knows if she feeds the media this bullshit, making me look like a bad person that lies, cheats and has a secret child.."

"That if you go ahead and pursue with the idea of ruining her now, that will only make it worst on your end. You'll seem like the one who's harassing her, you'll seem like the one being evil to her and not the other way around." Tyrell finishes David's statement.

"And then I'll be the bad 'husband'." David adds air quotes to the word 'husband'.

"You're still not sure if it's her though."

"Tyrell, I felt nothing for my wife after a very short time in our marriage.. and maybe that's why I was always one step ahead of her. I wasn't blinded by love and maybe that's why I followed my instincts on keeping tabs on her and keeping my eyes open." David starts in which Tyrell knits his brows as to where he's going with this. Tyrell motions him to continue by nodding.

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