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Ships: None!
TW: Fourth wall break, sad bois, tell me if there's more
(Third Person POV)

Roman had noticed his brother acting strangely as of late.

Now, he knew it seemed like he didn't care about Remus. But looks could be very deceiving!

In all honesty, he didn't have a clue what he would do without his twin. And, yes, he knew he needed to get better at showing it, but he was working on it!

So when he noticed how Remus had quieted down, hardly spoke, and when he did speak it was in a much more normal way, little red flags went up in his head. These flags seemed to procreate and multiply when he saw how much he skipped dinner now. And if you thought maybe that was all, it wasn't.

When Roman sat down on his bed after a long day, he heard noises from the room right beside his. Which was nothing new- especially from the Duke- but these noises weren't the usual shrieks of bloody murder and disgusting moans from horrible tv shows.

They sounded more like repressed sobs.

Now, he knew what you were thinking, Famder who whittled away countless hours reading fanfic on Wattpad. You were thinking, well why didn't he go and check on his brother?? That's what the request asked for, anyways!

For Roman, it wasn't that simple.

Of course he could burst into Remus's room and demand what was wrong. But after he was so cold and cruel to his brother, he doubted that would do anything but cause more harm.

After all, this wasn't a oneshot that was written by a sucker for happy endings. Pft. Seriously.

So, he would love to say he devised a fool proof plan. But, in all honesty, he wasn't even past the first step when he decided to just go with when the moment felt right.

One day, they had just finished recording and popped back up in the mindscape. Virgil went over and hugged Patton as they started chatting about what happened. Logan looked around for his glasses while Deceit laughed, hiding them under his hat.

Roman barely noticed as Remus slinked back up the steps. Barely.

"Hey! Wait! Re!" The prince turned around and followed after him. "Can we talk?"

Remus looked up at him through his bangs. "... Whatever it is, it wasn't me this time." He started to walk away again.

"No, not that. I know Virgil was the one who dyed all my sashes bright pink. I want to talk to you."


"Because, can a man not wish to spend time in his brother's company?"

"You haven't since we were ten."

Roman stopped as his heart fell. Meanwhile, Remus didn't skip a beat. He twisted the handle to his door and started in, then slamming it.

He sighed heavily, leaning against the door, then sinking down to his carpet. A pair of arms wrapping around his shoulders knocked him out of his thoughts. "How did you even get in here??" he exclaimed, looking down at Roman.

The prince shrugged. "Ninjaaaa," he joked weakly, then went back to hugging him. "... Look... you don't have to tell me what's wrong. I'm not asking for forgiveness. If you want to tel me to go screw myself and never speak to you again, I'll get it. But I'm still your twin brother, like it or not, and I don't like seeing you sad."

Remus teared up and looked away. "I'm not sad."

"You're lying."

"... Maybe I am. Wouldn't you much rather be with the light sides, though?" He crossed his arms defensively.

"No! My brother is upset. I'm worried about you. I'd much rather be here." Roman looked up at him in shock.

"... Why?"

"Because I care about you."

"No, you don't." Remus shook his head and tried to push himself up.

"Yes, I do." He hugged him more.





"Since when?"


"Well you're really bad at showing it." Remus laughed sharply, then saw Roman's expression and stopped. "Sorry."

"No. It's fine. I know.... But I'm trying to get better. Do you want to talk about it? It's fine if you don't." Roman's tone had softened, and he tilted his head slightly.

"... I don't really..."

"That's fine! But you know what we are gonna do?" Roman stood and pulled Remus up with him. "What, you say? Watch all those Disney-Pixar movies we know the lines to by heart because we rewatched them until we could say it before the characters?"

Remus smiled widely, giggling a bit. "Can we watch Toy Story first? The graphics are so bad."

"That we can, my dear brother!" Roman nodded and started toward the bookshelf with all the movies. "Oh, wow. Are these the same discs from before...?" he questioned quietly.

"Mhm. I kept them all." Remus walked to his closet and pulled out a few large blankets and pillows.

"That's awesome.... I still have our first sword and shield."

Remus's eyes lit up. "You kept them??"

"Yeah! Those have so many memories." Roman shook his head fondly, pulling out a few dvds.

"Wow... Remember those stuffed animals we made with the maids?" Remus grinned, reaching up and pulling out a badly sewn red dragon and green octopus plushie.

"They're so cute!! Remember that scrapbook we made when we were nine? And that one really bad picture where we drew on our faces with sharpies?" The prince started to put in the DVD as he spoke.

"Oh, gosh. I'd almost forgotten about that!"

Roman nodded and pulled a bracelet out from under his sleeve. There was a small locket on it, and inside was the picture. Remus froze. "... You kept it, too...?"

"Mhm. But I did lose it once and nearly had a heart attack." As he spoke, his brother pulled a similar bracelet out from his sleeve, with two tiny scrawly signatures in its locket.

"... From the contract?" the prince asked.

It was Remus's turn to nod this time. "The one where we promised to always be brothers and help one another."

Roman teared up a bit, reading the signatures again. "... I've missed you, Re..."

"I've missed you, too..." Remus sat down next to him.

"... Let's make a better contract."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we kinda screwed that one up. So let's make another. And stuck to it this time." Roman got up and looked around. "Have any paper and pens?"

"Second drawer-"

"To the right," Roman finished. He saw his brother's confused face and explained, "It's where I keep mine, too." He grabbed a pen and piece of notebook paper, walking back to the bed. He sat it on the dresser at the foot of Remus's bed and started to write.

"Whatcha writing?"

"You'll see..."

A few minutes later, Roman showed the paper to Remus, who read the messy cursive carefully and teared up, grinning. "... It's great."

"And now we just gotta sign." Roman nodded, pointing at the line at the bottom, with two 'x's next to it. Remus nodded and took the pen, leaning down to sign his name. Afterwards, he handed the paper and pen to the other, who did the same.

They looked at it for a few moments in silence.

Finally, Roman said with a small smile, "Our signatures haven't got much neater."


A/N: i decided to split your requests into three different one shots. XD

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