Pregnancy (Pt. 2)

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TW: None!
Ships: Prinxiety.
(Third Person POV)

Virgil giggled quietly as he leaned against the doorframe of the new room. Roman, Logan, and Deceit were currently inside, painting the walls.

"No! This color is scientifically proven to make babies calmer because it reminds them of the womb!" exclaimed Logan, pushing away Deceit's brush.

"Since when? Last I checked, Logan, it was that color!" argued Deceit, trying to start painting again.

"That was forty years ago, Deceit!"

"Why would the color of the womb change??"

"Dee." Roman rested a hand on his shoulder. "We'll make the accents of the room your color, okay? That's still a part of it."

Deceit huffed but hesitantly nodded, lowering his paint brush. The ends of Logan's mouth twitched in satisfaction. "Thank you... What's it going to be?" the logical side asked Roman.

"We won't know until they're born," he answered, smiling.

"Decided to keep it a secret," Virgil agreed.


Virgil sighed and sat down at the kitchen table, resting a head in his hand.

"You okay, kiddo?" asked Patton, looking back at him.

He nodded in response. "Okay," the fatherly side said, "Want anything special for dinner tonight? I'm still deciding on what to cook."

"I don't know..." Virgil thought. "Pasta sounds good."

Patton's eyes lit up. "Pasta does sound good. Good idea!"

Virgil chuckled. He looked up as the bubbly side started to gather the ingredients. "Let me help," he started, standing up.

"Thanks, Virge. But you need to rest, kiddo. You've been moving too much today already."

He sighed but sat down again, knowing there was no use in arguing. "Could you maybe make extra?" questioned Virgil. "I'm feeling hungrier than usual..."

"Sure thing!"

Virgil smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem... Have you decided on any names?"

"We've been working on it. But we're not sure yet."

"Okay. Well, just go with whatever feels right."

"Thanks. We will."


After a long day, Roman opened the door to his and Virgil's room. The lights were off except for a lamp by the bed. Virgil looked up from his book and smiled. "Hi," he said softly.

"Hey," Roman said back. He dropped his sword by the door then shut it, walking into the room. As he started to change clothes, Virgil spoke up again.

"Long day?"

"Very. About five dragon-witches in one area."

"Ugh. Come sit down." He patted the spot next to him. "We can cuddle. If you want..."

Roman smiled. "That sounds nice." He pulled on his shirt and sat next to Virgil, wrapping an arm around him. The latter relaxed and buried his face in the prince's chest.

"I'm so tired."

"Rest, then. I'm not going anywhere."

He nodded and melted into the other. Roman kissed his hair and placed the book on the table. After a minute, Virgil asked quietly, "Hey, Ro?"

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