Shattered Glass

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I'm sorry
TW:  crying, slight self hate, it ends fluffy
Ships: Logic x Anxiety x Deceit
(Third Person POV)

Virgil was in the kitchen, fixing himself something to eat. He reached up to get a glass, but accidentally knocked another down. He gasped as it fell to the floor and shattered.

Roman and Patton heard it and shot up, running towards the kitchen. They gasped at the broken glass, and Virgil looked up apologetically at them. They started scolding him, telling him how he should be more careful, how he could've hurt himself, and such. Virgil apologized profusely, and felt tears brim his eyes. He told them he needed to go to the bathroom, and ran out of the kitchen, towards his room.

When Virgil got in his room, he shut the door and collapsed on the bed. His mind wouldn't shut up, telling him off, making him hate himself. He tried to muffle his sobs, but two other sides heard him. They looked sadly at each other, and headed towards Virgil's room.

"Virgil?" Deceit asked, knocking on the door.

Virgil didn't answer, he knew if he did, they'd know he had been crying. 'Crying over something so stupid!' he told himself.

"Virgil, can we come in?" Logan questioned through the door.

Virgil tried to tell them no, that they couldn't come in, that he wanted to be alone, but no words came out of his mouth.

"Virge, we're coming in." Deceit told him, opening the door. 

Logan and Deceit's hearts broke when they saw Virgil, curled up in a ball on the bed in a dark room, makeup running, and shaking violently. They rushed over, and sat by him.

"Virgil, it's okay. Can you breathe for me?" Logan asked him.

Virgil took a shaky breath.

They calmed Virgil down, and looked at him worriedly.

"You know the only reason Roman and Patton got onto you was because they wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt, correct?" Logan inquired.

Virgil nodded. "I know, I wasn't crying because of what they said, I was crying because of what my mind wouldn't stop telling me."

"None of it's true, what the voices tell you." Deceit said quietly, looking Virgil in the eye.

"I... It's hard not to believe it sometimes, though..." Virgil murmured.

"I know. But, if it ever gets too much, come to us, we'll help..." Logan told him, holding his hand.

Virgil blushed and nodded, looking down. "I will..." He said quietly.

They shared another hug, and Deceit asked, "Do you want to watch some movies?"

Virgil smiled. "If you guys don't mind..."

"Of course we don't." Logan told him.

Black Cauldron was put on, and they all laid down, watching it. Virgil eventually fell asleep, in between his two best friends... who he might think of as something more... and, who might share those feelings...


A/N: This was horrendous.
I apologize.
It may vaguely be based on something that just happened to me. I broke a glass, and was scolded. And, being the overdramatic person I am, I ran into the bathroom and cried about it... Yeah...
Hope you liked it!

Bye My Lil' Bear Cubbies!

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