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Ships: DLAMP
TW: Lots of fluff!
(Third Person POV)

Roman looked up from his sketch as Virgil stormed in. "Woah," said the prince, "Are you okay??"

Virgil glared at him. "Do I look okay?" he asked.

"Okay. I'll take that as a no," Deceit opened his arms and motioned for the other to come over.

As soon as Virgil was cuddled up in his arms, Roman hugged both of them. "I've texted Pat and Lo. They'll be here in a min so we can all talk, okay?"

Virgil huffed. "Thanks."


Patton sat on the other side of Deceit, while Logan sat in Roman's lap. "Aw. Virge, what happened?" Patton asked, holding his hand.

"Okay." Virgil sat up again and crossed his arms. "First off, Envy upsets me. A lot."

"What has he done this time?" Logan inquired.

"Just!" Virgil put his head in his hands, trying to steady his breathing.

"Something bad. Do Dee and I need to find and fight him?" Roman asked, summoning his sword.

"No! No, it's fine! You two don't need to get hurt."

"I won't hesitate to stab a side if he's hurt you," Deceit said.

Logan took Roman's sword and put it down on the floor. "Let's... not use that... at least not for now, okay?"

Roman looked upset but sighed. "Fine," he said.

"One, two, or three?" Patton asked Virgil.

"One," he mumbled.

"Well-" Logan stood up. "I'll get the movies."

"I'll follow him so he doesn't pick out anything boring," Roman said, standing up as well.

"I don't need a babysitter," Logan protested as he walked out.

"You said that last time."

Patton sighed and smiled softly. "Okay. I'll go get the snacks. Dee, you stay here and help Virge begin making the fort."

"Got it."


A few hours later, Virgil was cuddled up to Logan, snoring quietly. The logical side was also asleep, his glasses laying above his head.

Deceit was sandwiched between Patton and Roman, dozing off, even though he kept protesting it.

"Is someone getting sleepy?" Roman asked him, running a hand through his hair.

Deceit shook his head and tried to push the other's hand away. "N-" He yawned. "-o."

Roman continued to tease him, but the half snake side kept arguing, his words finally slurring so much that they couldn't make out what he was saying.

"Shhh, love. Go to sleep. You need the rest," Roman told him quietly, kissing his forehead.

Deceit finally yawned one last time and nodded, drifting off to sleep.

Patton giggled quietly and kissed the deceitful side's hair. "Hey, Ro?" he asked.

"Yes, sugar?"

"Dee does like being with us, right? Even though he acts distant sometimes...?"

Roman looked up at him. "Pat, you have no idea how happy he is. He's so used to having to act cold, so it's sort of a bad habit at this point. But I can tell from the way he acts, the look in his eyes: he loves us just as much as we love him. No need to worry."

Tears had welled in Patton's eyes, but he nodded, wiping them away. "Good. I just wanted to make sure."

"Well, yes. Now, you get some rest, too. Everyone's fine." Roman leaned over and kissed him softly, pulling away after a few seconds.

Patton smiled and nodded again. "Okay. You do, too. Got it?"

"Of course."


Bright and early the next morning, Virgil was up and making pancakes. Logan woke up a few minutes later, rubbing his eyes sleepily and looking around to make sure the others were okay. He finally stood up and headed toward the kitchen.

Virgil hummed quietly as he flipped a couple pancakes. Logan smiled and walked up behind him, wrapping his arms around the other's waist. The anxious side jumped.

"Just me. No worries."

Virgil relaxed again. "Jeez. You scared me half to death."


"It's fine."

Logan looked at the stack of pancakes. "How long have you been up?"

"I honestly don't know. I decided to make breakfast since you guys helped me so much yesterday."

"You don't need to do this. Doing what we did yesterday was just one of our jobs as your boyfriends."

Virgil smiled softly and nodded. "I know. Still, I wanted to thank you all."

Logan started to say something, but Virgil stuck a bit of pancake in his mouth. "Shh. You'll wake up the others."

Logan nodded and ate the pancake. "... Wow. This is amazing. How'd you learn to make such great pancakes?"

Virgil grinned. "Let's just say probably the only thing scary about Dee is how great his cooking skills are. And we might've stayed up in the kitchen several nights when we couldn't sleep."

"Well, you guys need to cook more."

"Nah. Patton puts our skills to shame."

"I would say we should all cook one day, but Roman and I would probably end up burning the house down."

Virgil laughed quietly and shook his head. "No. Well, probably, but-"

Deceit appeared in the doorway, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Are those... pancakes?"

Both Logan and Virgil looked over and nodded.

"Cool." Deceit sat at the table.

"Want some coffee?" Logan asked him.

He nodded slightly.

"Okay." Logan pulled away from Virgil and headed towards the coffee pot. "What about you, Virgil?"

"Sure. Dee, can you pour Ro and Pat some milk? They don't drink coffee."

Deceit perked up and nodded. "Yeah! Okay." He stood up.

A few minutes later, Roman and Patton walked in. Roman gasped. "PANCAKES??"

Patton smiled widely. "Oh my gosh- chocolate milk, too!"


Sorry it took so long-
Humans. That's all.

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye My Lil' Bear Cubbies!

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