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Plot given to me by my brother
Apocalypse AU
Ships: Logince, Moxiety
(Virgil's POV)

I opened my eyes to see the gray ceiling of Chelsea Prison. My back hurt from laying on the cement bed. I listened for other prisoners or cops moving about, but only heard the wind blowing through the cracks in the walls. Sitting up, I looked around to see my cellmate gone. What was worse, there were blood splatters everywhere. The amount quadrupled as I looked outside our cell. Groaning, I got off the bed and walked towards the door.

"Hello?" I called out. My voice echoed throughout the prison. "Hello?" I called again. I shook the bars, and they fell down. "What the hell?" I whispered, stepping over them and outside. "Who are you?" a sudden, strong voice asked. I whipped around to see a man in the prisoner uniform, with deep brown eyes, and brown hair. His skin was somehow still glowing, which highly contrasted to my ash-like skin. "Virgil," I answered, staring at him, "Who are you?" The man straightened up a bit, and I realized his body was that of a superstar. He was fit, and gorgeous. "Roman," he told me quietly. "Have you seen my friend, Logan?" Roman asked. I shook my head, the last person I saw was my cellmate, who's dead.

"I'm going to look for him," Roman announced, walking hastily past me, "He better be safe." I looked around and realized he was the only person in this area, except for me, of course. "Hey! Roman, wait up!" I called after him, jogging to catch up. He slowed down slightly as I reached him, panting. "W-what does this Logan look like?" I inquired, looking around. "Dark brown hair, really pointed face, slightly shorter than me, glasses, blue eyes, nerdy," Roman said quickly. I nodded as he continued on, my mind drifting my best friend. I quickly shook the images away, refusing to think about it any longer.

We sprinted around the top floors, listening and looking. Finally, I heard Roman gasp. He quickly ran to the left, towards a figure by a cell. The figure ran towards him, and the two met halfway. They hugged tightly and laughed a little, tears running down their faces. "R-Roman?" the figure asked, pulling away slightly. Roman nodded and kissed him. "Logan!" Roman chirped, peppering kisses all over Logan's face. I smiled at the two, and my heart ached for my someone.

Logan spotted me, and blushed. "W-who's that?" he asked Roman, pointing towards me. "Virgil," Roman answered, squeezing Logan tightly. "Sup," I greeted, doing my two-finger salute. "Virgil Black?" Logan inquired. I nodded, wondering how he knew my last name. "The man in the cell beside me used to talk about you a lot. He hadn't seen you in ages, he said, but greatly missed you," he told me. My chest tightened. "Patton?" I asked weakly. Logan nodded, still looking at me over Roman's shoulder. My eyes filled with tears, and I looked away. "I'm sorry to mention it," Logan apologized. I shook my head. "It's okay," I muttered, still looking away.

"We should go to the warden's office," Roman said awkwardly, "Inform them." I nodded and started towards the stairs. Logan and Roman held hands as they walked, smiling widely. I walked in front of them, trying to keep my mind away from Patton. We were about two floors below the top when Logan asked, "What's bothering you?" I sighed and hesitated. "He's probably dead," I whispered, looking straight ahead. The two walked alongside me, our footsteps echoing throughout the prison. "I never got to tell him how much he meant to me, how many times just the thought of him stopped me from ending it all, how I wanted us to be more." My voice broke and tears spilled over like waterfalls. Logan rubbed my back as we walked. "He's most likely fine," Logan said after a bit. I tried to believe it, but my mind kept telling me he wasn't.

We got to the main floor and to the office when we realized it- "Do you hear all that groaning?" Roman asked, looking around. We all went silent, and heard quiet groaning and mumbling. "Where is everybody?" Logan asked. We saw a figure slowly walking our way from across the hall. "Hello?" I called out, "Do you know where everyone is?" I took a closer look at the figure and it finally finally. "They're zombies..." I whispered, horrified. "What?!" Logan inquired. "The government, they- they.. their plan backfired," Roman explained, "We knew there was a chance of it, but no-one thought it would actually happen." Logan's and my eyes went as wide as quarters. "The disease must've gotten to everyone else already, that's why they're gone, they're either dead or undead," Logan muttered. The zombie was only six feet ahead of us, so we ran.

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