School (Pt. 2)

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sean291 and GlassWolf48

TW: None!
Ships: Logicality, slight Prinxiety
(Third Person POV)

Patton walked into the classroom, and sat in his seat. He messed with the piece of paper under his desk, waiting for Logan to walk in the room. When said boy did walk in, Patton's face lit up. "Hiya, Logan!" he called, waving like mad. Logan, on the other hand, wasn't very happy to see Patton. He didn't want to deal with those feelings!

When Logan sat down in his seat, he ignored Patton. "Hey, Logan. Hey, Logan. Hey, Logan. Hey, Logan. Hey, Logan. Hey, Logan. Hey, Logan." Patton said, trying to get his attention. After that wouldn't work, Patton took a different approach. "Hey, cute boy." he tried, blushing as he said it. Logan's face turned bright red, and he stuttered. "Wh-who me?" he asked. "Yes, duh, you!" Patton chirped.

"So, I'm not mad, but, did you write this note?" Patton asked. He showed Logan the note, and Logan flushed in embarrassment. "Y-yeah, ma-maybe. But, I don't not like you or anything! I just... feelings..." he explained. "Oh, it's okay! I just kinda wanted to know. I showed my dads and they said that you might like me, actually. And I was super excited because I like you. And I was just curious if you wrote it and actually hated me or anything. But, that's all. I also wanted to know if you maybe wanted to sit by me at lunch? We could sit on that far corner where the teachers can't see us and read. Only if you wanted to, though." Patton rambled. Logan nodded, "Sure, I'll sit next to you at lunch."


In the middle of class, after Logan had finished his center work, he realized something.

"I showed my dads and they said you might like me, actually. And I was super excited because I like you."

Logan froze and blushed. How did I miss that the first time?! Did I hear it right?! "Logan, are you okay?" the teacher asked. Logan looked up and saw all eyes on him. "Y-yes ma'am." he said, quickly looking back down. "Please get a book out, then." she told him. Logan nodded and pulled out his novel, starting to read.


"Hey, Logan!" Patton called, waving Logan over. Logan walked over and sat down in front of him. "I hate these sandwiches." Patton murmured, pushing his plate away in disgust. "I've never had them, Mum always packs my lunch." Logan told him, opening his lunch box. "Be glad," Patton said, "They taste like dog food." Logan smiled. "How do you know what dog food tastes like?" he teased. "I tried some of my dogs' one day, it wasn't good." he answered, as if it were completely normal. Logan stared at him in shock for a moment, then shook his head and looked back down at his Lunchable, smiling. "What?" Patton asked. "That just, wasn't the answer I was expecting..." Logan told him, looking back up. They both laughed, and Logan found he actually enjoyed Patton's company.

Near the end of lunch, Logan decided it was now or never. "Um, Patton? Did, did you say you liked me earlier?" he asked, looking away. Patton blushed a deep shade of red, and fidgeted. "I, uh, maybe, er- yeah." he answered, looking down. "W-well, I gave you that note yesterday because I have these... feelings... for you, and didn't know how to handle them..." Logan told him after a bit of silence. Patton looked up at him, hope in his eyes. "You feel the same way?" he asked. Logan blushed and shyly looked up at him. "I- I think," he said.

Patton crawled under the rectangular table and popped up on Logan's side. He hugged him, and the latter hugged back. "Do you want to have a sleepover at my house one day?" Patton asked him. Logan nodded. "Sure. I'll ask my parents."

Several Years Later, High School Prom

The final slow dance of the night came on, and Logan and Patton danced. "You know," Logan started, "I'm kinda glad I left that note on your desk in second grade." He whispered it, and Patton smiled. "I'm glad, too. I'm also glad my dads were fine with that sleepover." he whispered, resting his and Logan's foreheads together. Logan chuckled, "Yeah. We had our first kiss when we were seven, and have been together ever since. I bet no-one else here can say they have a relationship that stable." Patton shook his head. "They can't. Well, maybe Remy and coffee." Both of them giggled at that, and Patton moved closer to his boyfriend.

"I love you."

"I love you, too, forever and always."


A/N: Sorry this took so long. But, how did you like it? I think it was kinda cute..

Bye My Lil' Bear Cubbies!

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