Ghost Cook

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Human AU

(Third Person POV)

Roman was worriedly pacing the room. He had to take a shot before he could go to England with his friends. They had all taken it on different days: Thomas on Sunday, Deceit, as they called him, on Monday, Patton on Tuesday, Logan on Wednesday, Virgil on Thursday, and his was today. It would've been fine, if he wasn't mortified of shots. Roman could fight off burglars, thieves, murders, was an excellent sword-fighter, had risked his own life countless times to save others, but there was something about the tiny needle that horrified him.

His best friend, Virgil, was walking alongside him, trying to calm him down. "Hey, I took it, and I turned out perfectly fine," The darker man assured his friend. "Just this morning you thought a ghost made your toast," Logan, Virgil's twin brother, said. "I didn't put the bread in! You didn't put the bread in!" Virgil nearly yelled, stopping in his tracks. The thought of a ghost cook scared Roman, but he was more scared of losing his sanity. "Virgil's always been like this," Patton told everyone timidly, looking around at them. "Not the point here!" Virgil said loudly, catching back up to Roman.

Two hours later, Roman came out of the doctors office. "How'd it go?" Thomas asked worriedly. Deceit pinched Roman, and Roman nearly punched him. "I was about to say," Roman started, glaring at Deceit, "It went a whole lot better than I expected." Virgil and Patton started clapping, and everyone laughed. "I'm still worried about that ghost, though," Virgil murmured once they started home. "Oh yes," Logan said sarcastically, "Because a ghost would bother making your toast."


A/N: I'm pretty sure this was also an Incorrect Quote. XD

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