Let Us Adore You

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TW: Roman's dead. But it doesn't talk about it. So.
Ships: Lots of platonic stuff. Deceit gets a big flirty, you could say.
Extra Note: This isn't meant to be RemRom. It's all meant platonically. He was his twin brother. Ok? Thx.
(Third Person POV)

Remus looked around at the unfamiliar sides, shivering slightly. Five faces stared back at him, but he knew only one. His host.

"Is that..? No. It can't be..." muttered the one with the dark eye bags.

"Yeah. No. But still a striking resemblance..." This time, the one who seemed to be half-snake.

"I-I am Remus Creativity Sanders," he stuttered out, just like he'd practiced a million times before. "Roman is-... Roman was my brother."

A quiet gasp came from a cardigan wearing side, while the one next to him pushed up his glasses. This guy had a tie, Remus noted, so he meant business.

"Roman's twin brother?" tie guy asked. "Hm..." He motioned for the others to huddle up, and they discussed something in whispered voices.

When they turned back around, Remus was struck with sudden singing.

Come live with us in the palace
There's a room waiting for you

He stared at them, silently wondering what in the world was happening. They'd arranged themselves into some kind of line. Tie guy on one end and bag one on the other.

Come on, come on, come on

Snake, Dad, and Emo- he called them in his head- took turns singing, holding out a hand each.

Just let us adore you

Teach led this one, but Remus was too confused to take note of that.

Come live with us in the palace
There's a room waiting for you

They sang a bit faster as they surrounded him. He flinched, but nothing happened.

Come on, come on, come on

Emo grabbed his hand softly while Snake leaned against him and wrapped one of Remus's arms around him.

Just let us adore you

Teach and Dad sang from beside them. Remus shook his head hesitantly. "I-I'm not Roman... if that's what you're hoping for..." he told them as he blushed a bit.

Yes we know that you're not him, but you were his

Remus teared up and looked off.

You know what it meant to love him

Dad ruffled his hair softly.

And you remind us so much of him

Snake took Remus's chin and turned him to face them again, smiling reassuringly.

"Think you can handle them?" asked Thomas, his host. "They can be a bit much..."

Today, right here, right now

They stopped to look at Remus as he began to sing.

I'll love again

They all smiled once more.

I've already found someone

Remus looked around at them all, and Emo chuckled and rubbed the back of his hand.

Just let us adore you

Dad pulled Teach with him as he hugged them all.

Today, (come live with us in the palace) right here, right now

Remus laughed for the first time in ages as Dad accidentally knocked Snake's hat off, which caused a very confused side.

(There's a room waiting for you)
I'll love again

Remus nodded, more sure of the words as he said them.

(Come on, come on, come on)
I've already found someone

He spun around, taking them all with him.

Just let us adore you
Yes I know that you're not him, and I was his

Remus looked down again as he bit back the tears.

You know what it meant to love him, and you remind me so much of him

Dad hugged him as Teach awkwardly patted his arm.

Today, right here, right now
We'll love again
We've already found someone...

They were all pulled into a giant hug. A minute in, Remus asked, "What's all your names again...?"


A/N: I love this movie so much. And had to do something with the songs. So, here ya go!

Hope You Enjoyed!!
Bye My Lil' Bear Cubbies!!!

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