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Ships: Analogical
TW: a scared and crying Virgil for a bit, worries Logan might make fun of him. Ends fluffy
(Third Person POV)

Virgil breathed shakily as he sat in his room. It was currently two AM- approaching three quick- and he had been hearing mysterious noises, seeing strange things, witnessing objects move on their own, etc all night long. He was curled up on his bed, too afraid to move. As he saw something in a dark corner move, he let out a quiet sob. It echoed throughout his room, and soon more followed it. Virgil curled up more.

Suddenly, his door creaked open. Virgil's eyes darted up as a dim light filled his room. "Virgil?" a familiar voice asked. Logan stood in the doorway, shining his phone flashlight into the dark room.


Logan suddenly saw him, and dashed over. "Virgil! Are you okay?" Said side shook his head as more tears fell.

"I-I'm scared."

Logan sat next to him. "Of what?"

"I-it's gonna sound s-stupid."

"Virgil, your feelings are not stupid.

Virgil uncurled slightly. 'This is Logan, he would never make fun of you for being scared, or tell the others...' "I-I watched a lot of ghost v-videos before going to b-bed tonight, and I-I'm scared..."

Logan's gaze softened even more. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Nothing's going to hurt you, I promise."

"I-I don't wanna be alone, I don't want to be here..." Virgil whispered, looking up at Logan with wide, scared eyes.

Logan put his phone in his pocket, and picked Virgil up bridal style. Virgil instantly curled into him. As Logan began carrying him to his room, the latter slowly started to calm down.

By the time Logan walked into his bedroom, Virgil was back to normal. The calm and simple theme of Logan's room welcomed him, and he was laid on the bed. Virgil watched Logan as he turned off the light on his phone and put it on the bedside table, getting underneath the covers.

Virgil instantly cuddled up to Logan, and he wrapped his arms around the smaller male. More noises filled the mind that night, but Virgil didn't hear them; he was fast asleep in Logan's arms, having nice dreams for the first time in ages.

*      *      *

Roman and Patton looked at each other as they backed away from Logan's room. Logan and Virgil were still asleep, cuddling. They high fived each other.

"Analogical!" Roman whispered excitedly.

"Yay! I wonder what caused it, though..." Patton whispered back.

"I don't know..." They were quiet for a moment. "Well, all that matters now is that they're finally together!" Roman eventually said quietly.


"... Hey, Pat?"


"You wanna binge watch some cartoons with me?"

"Ooh! Yay! Yeah!"

Roman smiled widely. "Ok! Well, let's go!"


A/N: Now for some Analogical!

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye My Lil' Bear Cubbies!!

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