Official Boyfriending Thing

621 16 11

Ships: Roceit
Tw: None!
(Third Person POV)

Roman sat in his room, drawing random doodles on a piece of scrap paper. He'd finished all his work and the others were busy, so the prince simply had nothing to do.

He sighed. "Ughhhh. I'm so boredddd," he whined, flopping back onto the large and fluffy bed.

As soon as he said it, he felt a rush of air and the presence of another side. He glanced up to see Deceit standing in the middle of the room. The lying side seemed confused. "I... don't know why I came here...?"

"I'm bored."

"Ah. That explains it."

"Yes. Smother me in attention." Roman rolled over and rested his chin in his hands, watching as Deceit laughed.

"Wow. That was blunt," he said, but walked over and sat next to the prince. Roman melted as he brushed his hair to the side, leaning into the touch. "... Touch starved, are we?"

Roman blushed and looked away. "Is it that obvious...?" he questioned.

"Just a tad. When I do things like that." Deceit pulled him up and into his lap. "... I find it funny how you're so much taller than me, until you take off your heels."

"Shh. Don't tell anyone," he giggled.

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't know we were hosting company." Deceit pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around Roman's waist. The prince rested his arms on the other's shoulders.

"Mind spies. You never know where they're gonna be," he joked with a small smile.

"In your closet? Now I'm sure they could hide their entire extended family in there." He grinned as Roman giggled, then kissed his cheek. He tensed up, and Deceit bit his lip. "... Too much? Sorry. I've made things awkward."

"N-no! It's fine!" Roman shook his head quickly, pulling the other back down. "I um... what... just... what are we, Dee...?"

"Well... what do you want us to be?" Deceit messed with his cape gently, and the prince looked down.

"... More than friends..."

"... Do you... Can I..." Deceit silently cursed himself. "I'm sorry. I'm not usually this awkward. But you're just very attractive and I can't believe this is really happening and we're really close and-"

Roman leaned forward and kissed Deceit gently, causing him to melt and kiss back. After a few seconds, they pulled away and the lying side rested his forehead against the other's. "... Well now we're closer..." whispered Roman.

"... Are we boyfriends now?"

Roman kissed the tip of his nose. "Now we are."

"Is that like... the official boyfriending thing?" Deceit tilted his head a bit.

Roman giggled. "Boyfriending thing?"

"Yeah. Like... you know... Do I do it back?"

"No, I get what you're saying. Why would you think that's the official-" he was cut off by Deceit snake-kissing the tip of his nose softly, which made him turn a bright red. "... S-sure. That's our official boyfriending thing."

"That's nice." Deceit buried his face in the crook of the prince's neck. Roman nodded and kissed his hair.



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