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(Third Person POV)

"Can you two ever stop fussing?!" Deceit yelled, watching Virgil and Roman incredulously. After their tenth fuss of the day, and it only being nine in the morning, the deceitful side had had enough of it. "Finally! Someone asked the question everyone wants to know the answer to!" Logan exclaimed, snapping his book shut. "Yep," Patton agreed, "It was the elephant in the room!" Logan looked at him, then looked around the room. "I see no loxodonta," The logical side stated, looking back at his opposite. Deceit sighed and looked at the two sides on the couch.

"Answer the question," Deceit demanded, "Can you two ever stop fussing?" Virgil glared at Roman, then at Deceit. "No," He deadpanned. "No, we cannot agree on anything," Roman agreed. "You just agreed on something," Logan said. "Not the point here!" Roman exclaimed, crossing his arms. "Oh! I have the perfect idea!" Patton said excitedly. Everyone looked at him, and he continued, "Send them on a camping trip together for a whole week! They'll have to survive in the wild together! Make it where they can't survive alone!" Logan looked at the Fatherly trait. "That was.... actually really smart," He said. Patton beamed at him and the others.

"Um... No!" Virgil exclaimed. "Not that I'm agreeing with Jack Smellington, but no!" Roman said loudly. "See! This will make you agree more often!" Patton told them. Both sides shook their heads frantically. "Go get packed," Logan said, nodding towards Roman and Virgil's rooms. Virgil looked around at his fellow facets, and he groaned when he realized there was no changing Patton and Logan's minds, he already knew Deceit wouldn't be persuaded. The darker side shot up and stomped off to his room, ignoring the Dark Sides running around.

Roman sighed and started towards his room. The Prince started packing in silence, while the Emo was cursing everything under his breath. Once they were finished, they met the others in the living room. Both were agitated, but Virgil let it show more. "Ok, what do we do now?" The darker side asked. Patton shoved them both out of the door, yelling, "Be careful! Don't get hurt! We're doing this because we love you! Also because you love each o-" Logan slammed the door before the dad could finish. Roman looked around while Virgil was still glaring at where the door used to be, for it had vanished, along with the rest of the house. The opposites were in a deep and dark forest.

Roman shivered as he started towards where he thought he could see a lake. "You coming?" The Prince asked, looking over his shoulder at his companion. Virgil suddenly yelled, "They took our damn phones!" Roman checked, and yes, their phones were gone. Virgil cursed under his breath and stormed over to where Prince was. "Are we gonna get going or what?" He snapped. Roman chuckled, which received a glare from Virgil, and started towards the lake.

They walked for a good twenty minutes until they saw the lake. Virgil gasped quietly at its beauty, while Roman just stared in awe. "Wow," They breathed in unison. The two sides burst out laughing, and they forgot about their 'hate' for each other. "Are we going to start setting up?" Roman asked once he stopped laughing. Virgil nodded, eyes bright and a wide smile on his face. They started setting up the tent, laughing and joking while doing so. Once they finished that, Roman said, "We oughta get wood for a fire." Virgil nodded, and they started off further into the woods, picking up sticks in silence. All of a sudden, a wolf howled in the distance.

Virgil's smile disappeared, and his eyes flooded with fear. Roman looked over, and frowned slightly at seeing his distressed cru- friend. "Hey," Prince cooed, moving closer to the emo nightmare. "It's ok, I'm right here, don't worry," He continued, wrapping an arm around Virgil. The darker side relaxed into Roman's touch. They continued walking and picking up sticks, always holding onto each other. Once they got back to the camp, the two were exhausted. "I don't want food," Virgil muttered, dropping the sticks by the tent. "Yeah, I just want sleep," Roman agreed. He smiled as Virgil yawned. He's so catlike, The Prince thought.

They climbed in the tent and laid down. Both stayed still for a few minutes, trying desperately to fall asleep. "I can't sleep," Virgil finally muttered. "Me neither," Roman said, turning over to face the darker side. Virgil wasn't wearing his makeup, having taken it off before climbing in the tent, and Roman could see all his little freckles. "You're freckles are cute, just like your smile," He blurted out. Virgil blushed dark red, and scoffed. "Yeah, right," He said sarcastically. "They really are," Roman started, "And we never see either enough." Virgil scooted closer to the prince. "It could be something between just us," The anxious side suggested in a quiet voice. "Which one?" Roman asked, looking into Virgil eyes. "Both," He whispered, cuddling up to Roman. The creative side smiled, and whispered back, "I'd like that."

The Next Morning

Roman woke up, and the first thing he realized was the source of warmth he was holding. He opened his eyes, and saw a sleeping Virgil. Roman blushed a deep scarlet, then remembered the night before. He smiled at the memory. Virgil started stirring in his sleep, and when he awoke, he cuddled closer to Roman. The prince let out a small, "Aww," and Virgil smiled slightly. "This stays between us," He muttered, snuggling even closer to the creative side. Roman smiled and laid his forehead against Virgil's. "Like the freckles and the smile?" Roman teased, watching Virgil's beautiful eyes flutter open. "Yeah," The darker side said quietly. "And this," He added, kissing Roman. Virgil pulled away before the prince could kiss back.

Virgil looked up at Roman. "Keep it a secret, ok?" He asked. "As long as I get more," Roman said. Virgil nodded and kissed him again, more passionately this time. Roman smiled into the kiss, and wrapped his arms tighter around the emo's waist. Virgil put his hands on Roman's chest, and tangled his legs with Roman's. When they pulled apart, they were panting. Virgil gave Roman an eskimo kiss, and then giggled. "Wow," Roman started, "We're here for a whole week and we fix our problem on the first and second day." Virgil shrugged, "We can have some fun," He said. Roman raised an eyebrow at him, and Virgil blushed. "I- I didn't m-mean it in a nasty w-way!" He stuttered. Roman kissed Virgil again and said, "I know." They laid in silence for a bit, then Roman asked, "Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Virgil nodded and muttered, "We ought to get up, though."

Several Days Later

It was noon on the seventh day, and Virgil and Roman had had an eventful week. "What a beautiful evening," Roman sighed, watching as the sun started it's descent. He looked over at his boyfriend, skipping stones on the lake, and looked around at the forest they were in. "Beautiful," He repeated. Meanwhile, Virgil saw what he was doing as attacking the lake, and was whispering, "Take that you fucking lake, that's for nearly drowning me yesterday."

When they got back to the mind, Patton asked, "So... Did you fix your problems?" Virgil and Roman looked at each other, then Virgil shrugged. "Yes? No?" Logan asked. Roman shrugged this time, and they went off towards Virgil's room. "I don't think they worked it out," Deceit hissed, turning back to watch Gravity Falls.


A/N: This ended up being way more fluffy than funny, I regret nothing though... That's a lie, I regret a lot of stuff. Anyhow, bye!

Also, one of my friends requested the prompt!

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