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Ships: Prinxiety
TW: None!
(Third Person POV)

Virgil was sat on the couch, scrolling through Tumblr. He paid no attention to Roman as he walked in, holding something behind his back. Virgil would admit, he might have a teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy, small, infinitesimal, huge crush on the prince. But, at the same time, he was nearly absolutely certain that he didn't like him back.

Virgil raised an eyebrow at Roman as he stood in front of him. "Yes?" he asked. Roman said nothing as he handed him a purple rose. Virgil took it and blushed. "Why?" he inquired, looking at the deep purple flower.

"A beautiful rose for an even more beautiful man," Roman told him, flashing a smile. Virgil blushed more and looked up at Roman.


Roman just smiled and waved his hand, as if dismissing it. He left, and Virgil pulled his legs up onto the couch, twirling the rose in his hand. He wore a lovesick smile as he looked at it, thinking about what just happened.

Patton walked in and saw him, smiling softly. "Roman?" he asked, sitting next to Virgil.

Virgil nodded. "Roman..." he said quietly, still looking at the rose.

-Time Skip-

The second time, Virgil was just curled up on the counter, resting while listening to music. Logan had walked in and rolled his eyes, murmuring something about, "And he says he's not cat-like..."

Virgil didn't care though, he was too caught up in his thoughts. Happy thoughts for once. Happy thoughts because he was thinking about Roman. And the purple rose in a clear vase on Virgil's bedside table.

Virgil didn't notice as Roman walked in, and only realized he wasn't alone when he heard a cup clank against the table through his music. He opened his eyes and looked up, coming face to face with the prince he was just thinking about.

"Hi..." Virgil said softly.

"Hello," Roman told him just as softly, getting himself some water.

"What have you been doing today?" Virgil asked Roman as he leaned against the counter.

"Nothing much. Brainstorming for Thomas's new videos. You?"

"Just relaxing, laying around, you know..." Virgil cringed at his terrible socializing skills. (Honestly, Same)

Roman nodded. He looked at Virgil and smiled softly.

"What?" Virgil asked.

"Nothing, you're just adorable..."

Virgil blushed and looked away. "Shut up..." he murmured quietly.

Roman put a thornless black rose behind Virgil's ear. The latter blushed more and looked up at him, biting back a smile. Roman put a hand over his heart. "How is it possible for someone to be so adorable??" he asked, melting slightly.

Virgil blushed more and batted at him. "I'm not adorable! I'm dark and terrifying, and-"

"An extreme cuddler..."

Virgil blushed more. "How do you know that??"

"Movie nights..." Roman sipped more of his water.

Virgil sat up and kissed Roman on the cheek, jumping off the counter afterwards and dashing towards his room. He blushed violently as he shut the door, leaning against it and sinking to the floor. 'Why did I do that? Why did I do that? Why did I-'

Virgil's phone went off, and he looked at it. A text from Roman.

'You know... that was nice... but, I think you missed...'

Virgil went to ask him what he meant, but realized at the last second. He blushed more and deleted what he wrote, starting to type again.

'Well, maybe next time I won't...'

'I hope you don't ;)'

Virgil stood up and flopped on his bed, squealing into a pillow. He received another text from Roman.

'Someone's happy, aren't they?'

'... How'd you know?'

'Thin walls, love.'

'Oh. Right.'

'I'm not complaining, though, it means I can hear your beautiful singing.'

Virgil blushed. 'You can hear that??'

'Yes. I don't know why you try to hide it, you sound like an angel. <3'

'...... thanks'

'You're welcome.'



-Time Skip-

Nearly a month had passed, and Virgil was placing all of the roses in the vase in his room. There was an abundance of them by now, and was smiling as he looked at them. He'd just woken up, and was about to go to the kitchen, but was lost in his thoughts. In these last few weeks,he had been much happier, and he knew why.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by Patton calling him down for breakfast.

"Coming!" he yelled, standing up. He ran a hand through his hair and walked out of the room.

Logan was reading a book at the table, while Patton fixed the plates. Virgil sat in his usual spot and looked around. "... Where's Roman?" he asked.

"Your boyfriend is probably still asleep," Logan answered, sipping his coffee and not looking up.

Virgil blushed. "He's not my boyfriend!"

"Yet," Logan murmured.

"Why don't you go wake him up, kiddo?" Patton suggested, placing some plates on the table.

Virgil nodded. "Ok." He stood up and headed towards Roman's room. Knocking on the door, he waited.

He heard rustling on the other side, and, suddenly, Roman opened the door. Virgil was taken aback; Roman looked stunning, as usual.

"Yes, Hot Topic?"

Virgil blushed and realized he'd been staring. He looked down and fiddled with his sleeves. "Breakfast time..." he mumbled. Roman smiled.

"Thank you for reminding me."

"Not a problem..."

Roman handed him another rose as he shut the door and walked past him. Virgil looked at the purple and black rose and read the small piece of paper attached to it. He gasped quietly and squealed, looking up, towards the stairs. He realized Roman was still there and blushed violently. "I-I-" Virgil started.

Roman cut him off, "It's fine... So... what do you say...?"

Virgil smiled and nodded excitedly. "Yes!" He blushed more. "I mean, sure..." He tried to act cool.

Roman chuckled. "Yay! Tonight at six?"

"Tonight at six."

Roman smiled more. As he was walking away, he said to Virgil, "Also, you are absolutely adorable."

Virgil blushed. "You've said that before!" he called after him.

"And it's still true!"


A/N: I'm just completing a bunch of oneshots that are half done.

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