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Ships: Deemus
TW: A bit of angst suggestions, but mainly fluffy! Just a ramble.
(Third Person POV)

Deceit loved to draw with all his heart. And he loved to draw flowers even more than that. But he was shy, so the only person who ever really saw his pictures was Remus. Emile and Remy only saw the product.

He would draw all his feelings onto these flowers. There were the lonely and sickly looking ones from when he first started. Then, as Virgil came into his life, the sad flowers acquired partners. They always came in pairs. When Virgil left, the flowers died. Everything he drew was dead or dying, wilting and sad. But, as soon as Remus became a major side, the flowers changed in a way they had never before. They grew bright- and lively. Beautiful, healthy flowers growing off of walls or sticks. Walls or sticks that were supporting them and helping them grow.

When he was done, he'd get Remus's help to make the flowers real. Together, they would create them and place them in a patch of garden Emile lended to the two. Remy would come home late and water the flowers before he went to bed, and Emile would do the same come morning. Remus would bring the tools and necessities from his kingdom, but Deceit was always their main caretaker. He'd care for them as if they were his own children, which, in a sense, they were.

So, no, he didn't think he would tell anyone else. But he didn't see why that was a problem. This was his escape, his way to feel important, and his only friends helped whenever he needed. So he was alright. Much better than he'd ever been.

And the flowers showed it.


A/N: So, guess who learned to draw realistic flowers today at Art Club? XD
But! Tell me what you all thought of it!!

Hope You Enjoyed!!
Bye My Lil' Bear Cubbies!!!

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