Just Can't Wait to be King!

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Royal AU
Ships: Slight Royality and Analogical
TW: None!
(Third Person POV)

Roman and his best friend, Patton, were walking along a trail with the royal advisors, Logan and Virgil. Roman's birthday was coming up, and he couldn't help but be excited for when he ruled- in several years...

Roman was talking excitedly to Patton, who watched him adoringly. Logan was getting slightly annoyed with him.

"I'm gonna be a mighty king, so enemies beware!" Roman sang happily.

"Well, I've never seen a king of Brarch with quite so little hair." Logan told him, pointing towards his chin.

"I'm gonna be the main event, like no king was before!" Roman had plans to change many things, so that the citizens were much more free, and, hopefully, happier.

"I'm brushing up on looking down, I'm working on my roar!" Roman had been trying to be a bit more strict and louder.

"Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing..." Logan murmured. Roman hadn't been doing very well, he wasn't loud in the right way, and was always a bit too kind.

"Oh, I just can't wait to be king!" Roman ignored Logan's comments, and continued smiling.

"You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think-" Virgil started to tell him kindly.

"No-one saying do this." Roman cut him off.

"Now, when I said that-" Virgil went to tell him.

"No-one saying be there!" Patton joined in.

"What I meant was-" Virgil started.

"No-one saying 'Stop that!'" Roman skipped ahead of the group.

"What you don't realize-"

"No-one saying see here!" Patton joined Roman.

"Now, see here-" Logan started.

"Free to run around all day!" Roman spun around.

"Well, that's definitely out-"

"Free to do it all my way!"

Logan caught up to Roman and looked up at him. Although Logan was several years older than him, Roman was still somehow taller.

"I think it's time that you and I arranged a heart-to-heart!"

"Kings don't need advice from nerds named Logan for a start!" Roman told him, turning around. Logan glared at him.

"If this is where the monarchy is headed, count me out!" Logan told Virgil. "Out of service, out of America, I wouldn't hang about!"

"This child is getting wildly out of hand!"

"Oh, I just can't wait to rule this land!"

Roman spun Patton around, and the latter blushed. They both giggled, and Virgil nudged Logan. "Come on, Lo, lighten up."

"We are the advisors, it is not our job to 'lighten up.'"

"Come on, don't be such a grump."

Virgil kissed Logan on the cheek and flashed him a smile. "Please, for me?"

Logan sighed. "Fine, I will try, for you."

"Everybody look left!" Roman and Patton pointed left in unison.

"Everybody look right!" The two pointed right in unison.

"Everywhere you look I'm standing in the spotlight!" Roman was very famous and loved by lots of the civilians.

"Not yet!" But not by everyone...

"Let everybody go for broke and sing!" Patton and Virgil sang together. "Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing!" That was a saying in the kingdom. "It's gonna be King Roman's finest fling!"

"Oh, I just can't wait to be king!" Roman sang twice.

"Oh, I just can't wait~"

Everyone sang, "TO BE KING!!!"


Roman panted once they finished. "You guys are great at singing."


A/N: I really enjoy writing songfics. I was going to do a different one, but realized it would be slightly angsty, and since the last songfic was angsty, thought I wouldn't do that..

Yeah, that's all!

Bye My Lil' Bear Cubbies!

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