Character Descriptions 11

Start from the beginning

Likes: The feeling that she has saved someone

Dislikes: Reckless People

Looks: As described in Chapter 14 of the Disappearance of Shinki arc, she has blackish red hair that goes down to the bottom of her neck  and has orange coloured eyes that have white hospital crosses for pupils. She wears a black top and blue jeans with black high heels along with a pure white lab coat.

Name: X

Age: 37

Height: 5"11

About him: X is the third Captain of the Capitani Leggeri. Despite his age, he is seen as a war hero. He fought bravely in the war known as the 'Past War' which took place in the Yuusha Country. If it wasn't for his resolve and bravery, things may not stand to what they be today. The only thing that no one knows about X is his real name.....

Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: His real name

Looks: He has mousy brown hair that is pushed forward and is covering his left eye. He has a big X scar that runs over both of his eyes. His eye are crimson eyes but have dead look to them. He wears a blue kimono and carries his sword in the belt of the kimono.

Name: Yoshino Umeji

Age: 24

Height: 5"4

About her: Yoshino is the forth Captain of the Capitani Leggeri. Yoshino is the cleverest in terms of strategies amongst the captains. If it wasn't for her precise decision making, a lot of the top ranking Demons for the Good Demon Realm would have been dead.

Likes: Precise and down to a T people

Dislikes: Clumsy and indecisive people

Looks: She has tied up blue hair and ocean blue eyes. She wears a light purple suit with a straight skirt. She also has tights and high heels!

Name: Tabito Uchimura

Age: 23

Height: 5"9

About him: Tabito comes from one of the Royal Families that are dotted about in the Good Demon Realm. His power is off the charts for someone his age and that's what landed him the position of the fifth Captain.

Likes: Learning from his comrades

Dislikes: People who discredit his work ethic

Looks: He has nice and tidy black hair. He wears a royal robe along with a white suit and a black shoes. He has one black eye and one blue eye.

Name: Ken Imamura

Age: 22

Height: 5"10

About him: Ken is the sixth Captain of the Capitani Leggeri. Ken is always full of spirit! He lives for the passion and the adrenaline. If he thinks someone isn't up to it, he will tell them straight to their face. Some say that not having a filter is his downfall....

Likes: Giving it his all!

Dislikes: People with no passion.

Looks: He has bright red hair and bright red eyes. He has a little scar underneath his right eye and another scar across his left arm. He wears and black and white kimono too.

Name: Mari Fujima

Age: 26

Height: 5"3

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