Chapter 27

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Me, Charlotte, and Viki just sat awkwardly and silently on my bed. It would have been better if I actually knew my way around the city or even the neighborhood, so we could find our way to the mall or a park - to smoke the weed or something.

We also couldn't sneak outside with the pot because it was still light outside, there was still company over, and Brian was playing guitar in the room across the hall. My door didn't have a lock on it.

So all I could do was listen to Brian play his guitar and sing. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful the song was, and his voice sent angels to give me goosebumps. It was also one of those songs where the words directly relate to your current situation.

It brought tears to my eyes so I had to wipe my eye to prevent them from pouring out.

"How do I live without the ones I love? Time still turns the pages of the book, it's burned. Place and time always on my mind, I have so much to say but you're so far away..." He sang.

The scared little kid in my jumped as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up when I heard someone singing with Brian. Harmonizing - it was completely gorgeous. But I was of course shocked because the voice sounded so familiar and dear to me but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Sleep tight I'm not afraid.... the ones that we love are here with me..."

With Viki, Charlotte and I being very similar people and huge A7x fans, I think they recognized the voice too, because they were sat with furrowed brows and kind of shifting and Viki was staring at me.

Suddenly, Brian let out a loud yelp and we all stopped breathing. My heart actually stopped and worry filled me. Then my heart started beating uncontrollably and once again I jolted slightly backwards as Brian stumbled into my room creating a nice amount of racket.

I got that nervous stomach ache once again because Synyster Gates is near me, and as weird as this sounds, the strong scent of cigarettes and alcohol that came from him and diffused into my room, and the complete state he was in with his messed up hair and tired eyes made him a thousand times more attractive.

Well, to me at least. And of course, he was Synyster Gates. Synyster Gates is perfection.

His eyes were open wide and he seemed very jittery as he glanced quickly back and forth at all of us, almost shaking. He was obviously worried and he was breathing exceptionally heavy.

"What's going on, Sy-Brian?" Charlotte asked.

He put his hand on his forehead and leaned up against the wall, sliding down so he was sitting.

"Blue... blue blue blue..." He said, his shaking affecting his voice.

"Blue eyes... blue EYES!" he was suddenly shouting. "I heard his voice and saw his eyes."

"Brian, what's up? What happened?" I questioned.

"Jimmy... Jimmy was here..."

Michelle walked in and stood next to the bed me, Viki, and Charlotte were sat on, with her arms folded. "Jimmy was not here, Brian. You're high."

He stood up and shook his head. "I swear, to fucking God, Michelle, he was here, just now... singing with me..."

She shook her head. "When are you going to stop completely indulging yourself with substances, Brian? And more importantly, when are you going to get over this? You know, like the rest of the guys?" Michelle said with a smirk.

I could tell she hit a nerve when Brian's face twitched. He was about to flip out, but instead he turned and was facing away from us as he scratched the back of his neck and rested the back of his head on his hands.

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