Chapter 5

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Elloo! so, this chapter is just fill. sorry if it's boring or whatever, but i have a really interesting plot planned! btw, i can't STAND how most stories have a happy ending, so this one will be one of those half sad-half happy endings, where it kind of leaves you hanging but not really. the ending is cool and i WILL do an epilogue. hope you diiiiiiiiggggg

(Brian's POV)

I stared at my appearance in my bathroom mirror for a good ten minutes. There were bags under my eyes, my hair a mess, and face unshaven. I decided I should just put down the bottle for a week or so, see if it makes me feel better, and look better.

Michelle was being amazing to me through all of this. And as I enlightened myself of how much harm I really was doing, I wished she was here with me.

I sat down and pulled my steel string onto my lap, got my dunlop in my fingers. "Plans of what our futures hold, foolish lies of growing old," I whispered. I nodded and grabbed a pen. I sang and wrote, "Plans of what our futures hold, foolish lies of growing old. It seems we're so invincible, the truth is so cold."

I smiled.

I played different chords until I found the ones that went right.

Glancing over at my phone, I remembered that the guys wanted me in Matt's parents garage for writing. Not a studio, a garage. Where we know who we really are.

The problem was, the memories in that fucking garage made me want to puncture a wall. And it really pissed me off that the guys were all calm and fine about it. I'm sure they aren't, it's just that they don't show it so I don't know.

I set down my guitar and picked up my phone, slouching down on the couch in the meantime. The screen flashed on and blinded me. 7:30 am. My sleeping scedule is so fucked up.

I checked my messages and noticed I had one from Matt. he said:

Shadz: hey man, i need 2 talk to u, so do the rest of the guys. meet us at my parents'?

Me: yeah dude. sorry about everything. i'll be there in fifteen.

I decided to get as cleaned up as possible.

(Megan's POV)

Everyone was asleep, so I didn't get a chance to talk to Charlotte or anyone else. The Battle of the Bands competition has all of us completely excited.

It was rather early for no one to be awake, considering it was only midnight. I thought I should get some writing in while I had my alone time. I tiptoed over my friends, over some equipment and found myself at the piano.

I sat down and just began to play random crap, while thinking.

The Rev is my dad. The Rev is my dad. James Owen Sullivan is my dad. I remembered the day I found out. I was thirteen, and I was getting into that not-wanting-to-even-get-out-of-bed-in-the-morning-because-I-am-so-depressed phase.


My mom sauntered into my room with her completely unnecessary high heels and brand name shit. She lowered herself onto my bed while I was on the floor with my guitar. "Meg," she said overly sweet.

I glanced up at her for a moment then focused my attention back on my guitar. "I knew you would become this way." She whispered.

I nodded. "I knew you were a bitch." I muttered under my breath, quickly looking up to see if she heard. She did.

"Young lady, that is no appropriate tone for speaking to your mother!"

I smirked. I decided, what the fuck? I hate her, might as well be on her bad side. "Is that so?"

She nodded one firm nod. "And I do not appreciate your sense of style," she remarked, scanning my room and me up and down. "You are a MacFadden! You should start acting like one!"

"What if I act like my dad's side of the family? I have a dad somewhere, do I not?!" I snapped. She snickered and pinched the bridge of her nose. "You do! Of cours you do!" She said with disgust.

This conversation made me realize that I would never get on well with my mom. I decided I should just be nice to her and pretend to respect her, so she doesn't kick me out of the house, because I know my friends' parents won't let me stay at their houses.

The "discussion" continued.

"Well, I wouldn't know, would I? I've never met him before? Where is he? Huh?!" I looked at the fancy little name tag on her shirt that said "Leana".

I calmed myself down a bit.

"Mother. What is my real last name? What was my dad's name?" I asked quietly, slowly approaching her distraught figure on my bed.

She shook her head and stood up abruptly, marching for the door. When she got there, she spun round and scowled, and said, "Your name is Sullivan. Megan Sullivan. Daughter of James. Are you fucking settled?!"

I was taken aback for a brief moment by her sudden outburst.

My facial expression went from angry to surprised to in awe in a matter of about 3 seconds. I gulped. "Y-you mean Th-th-the Rev?"

She nodded a sharp nod and left my room. I stared after her like a moron, waiting for her to turn around and say something else, but she didn't. The Reverend Tholemew Plague is my dad.

(End of flashback)

I sipped on my tea that I randomly decided to make in the middle of the night, and thought about my dad. Will I ever meet him?

I hoped I would. No, I will.

(Charlotte's POV)

Megan was roaming around the house drinking tea while I pretended to be asleep- I think she bought it. I  rummaged through my blanket as quiet as possible, looking for my ipod. When I found it, I plugged in the headphones, and decided to listen to a few of mine and Alex's songs.

I know this is lame, but our song that we played over the phone for eachother when our parents wouldn't let us hang out, the song we played to the other if we were fighting to calm us, was Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits.

A tear fell down my cheek as the song said, "He said somethin like, you and me babe, how about it?"

"Juliet, when we made love, you used to cry. Said I love you like, the stars above, I'll love you 'til I die. And there's a place for us, you know the movie song. When you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong? Juliet." The song said.

I cried.

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