Chapter 26

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OMG guys you have noooooooo idea how sorry I am for taking so long to upload... i've been sososo busy with school and um..... other things...... anyway I HOPE you guys are still here and are bearing with me.... cuz i'm no where NEAR done with this story and i have plans for it, so, please stay :D

and I dedicated this chapter to Sevenfoldgirl_ even though I've probably dedicated a bunch of  crap to her... so sorry Viki. But guys seriously she's just so gorgeous and such a genuine awesome person. I suggest you go fan her and read her stuff.

"W-What do you mean, Vik?" I asked, quickly trying to figure out how I was to explain the death of my father, and if the guys would even be ok with it.

She furrowed her brow. "Huh? Just, I was just wondering where the Rev, er, Jimmy is.... can I meet him?"

I heard a loud groan / moan / sigh come from Brian as he lifelessly flopped into the pool, obviously irritated that the subject of Jimmy's death was coming up once more. I awkwardly scratched my head and said, "Well, he's dead."

Viki opened her mouth to start a sentence, but Zacky was suddenly there and he interrupted her. "It's not a good time. Brian's still really emotional over the whole thing."

"Oh... I had no idea..." Viki said.

We were all silent and a few of us were nodding our heads in sadness, and Brian was floating on his back in the pool just staring up at the sky. I really did feel bad for him.

The silence was interrupted when Michelle stepped out of the doorwall and announced that it was time to eat. She was holding a tray of potato salad, regular salad, cucumbers and jello. I kind of jumped for joy in my mind because I was so hungry.

We all slowly made our way over to the few patio tables with umbrellas over them to keep the terrible sun away from us.

Brian kind of trailed behind, grabbing the hot dogs and hamburgers that he had grilled and placing them on the table that was kind of like a buffet- it had all the food on it.

From then on, conversation carried on as normal. It got a little cooler outside, so it wasn't completely uncomfortable when we were dry, and the tension level decreased - with us at least. On the other hand, Michelle and Brian were whisper fighting all through the meal, and after dessert was served they continued their argument inside at full volume.

Brian kept indulging himself with more and more alcohol until he was beyond wasted, and could barely talk. That and, I was almost positive he had been high on something. And it certainly wasn't weed - it was something more dangerous - I could tell by the way he was acting.

It was if his conscience just imploded and was no longer there.

And I could see what Charlotte meant when she said things between Matt and Val were tense. Both Matt and Val had these very distinct eyes that if they were glaring at something it pierced your soul.

They, of course, were glaring at eachother and were having frequent little whisper arguments, just like Brian and Michelle had, and it was about Matt being so drunk. i don't think he was as intoxicated as Brian though. Not even close.

On the good side of things, though, Viki was having a pretty awesome time staring at Matt.

Too awesome of a time. It was actually really funny.

Charlotte was wrapped up in her phone, presumably texting Alex. I had no idea what the deal with him and her was because I really don't care, unless it negatively affects Charlotte in some way.

I was sitting in between Charlotte and Viki around one of the patio tables. The table we were sat at was right next to the doorwall, so we could hear Michelle and Brian's whole argument. At our table, there was Matt, Val, Viki, Charlotte, me, Gena and Zacky.

Gena and Zacky were kind of having their own quiet little conversation, so with them and Matt and Val occupied, the silence of the backyard except for Brian and Michelle's arguing and the Cemetary Gates by Pantera that was playing out of a little speaker was too awkward for me. I silently nudged Charlotte and Viki and they both nodded and stood up, obviously knowing that I wanted to leave - and so did they.

We both stood up and as we passed Brian and Michelle, we trudged up the stairs with only the sound of the fighting and Charlotte typing away on her phone.

"Hey, Megan?" Charlotte asked from behind me as we reached the top of the flight of stairs.

"Yes?" I responded uninterestedly, because I was so disappointed at how the night was turning out.

She looked behind her to make sure no one was there. "Do you think Brian has any weed?"

I chuckled and furrowed my brow. "Well, I don't know... I'm sure... He's high as fuck right now and he's also Synyster Gates... he's gotta have weed. Why?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. It's just kind of a weird night and I thought we could make it a little better."

I glanced at Viki for approval and she merely shrugged her shoulders, leaving the decision up to me.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I guess, guys, I don't know. I've never really been much of a weed smoker."

"Neither am I!" Declared Charlotte. "It's just once because of the awkward circumstances that are making it really hard for me to get adjusted to things."

I rolled my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, whispering "Whatever..." to Charlotte before I was being dragged to Brian and Michelle's room by Charlotte.

Viki just followed and glanced around worriedly. I had a feeling she thought we were gonna get in trouble. Which we probably were, but as for right now, we didn't seem to care.

We stepped into Brian's large room and I made my way over to what seemed to be his drawers, and I smelled it just from being near it.

"Well, I think I found it..." I said, pulling open the first drawer. And the second, and the third, and then te fourth - the bottom - where the weed was.

My hand hovered over the little plastic bag that contained the weed for a few moments while I worried what would happen tonight while I was under the influence of drugs. All I knew was, I kind of wanted to get completely intoxicated.

For depression relief purposes, and for pleasure.

I knew something crazy would happen though. But I decided to reach down and grab the bag anyway.

I shoved it in my pocket and got the paper, then completely froze when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. They were offbeat, uneven steps though, so I assumed it was just high Brian.

I heard him curse a few times, then he started to play the acoustic guitar.

I looked at both my friends and remembered, we're with Avenged Sevenfold here. We deserve a great night before they leave for tour because, that's a long time without them or a long time with them.

As Bottles Call My NameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora