Chapter 12

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(Megan's POV)

My mood slowly went downhill as we walked. The sun was beating down on my bare shoulders and my cheeks, and I don't know how much more of it I could take. I had to wipe the sweat off my brow every five seconds.

I kept glancing over at Charlotte to see what was going on with her, but she seemed just fine. Too fine, as a matter of fact.....

"What?" She asked, noticing my staring. I shook my head.

"Oh, nothing..."

She nodded and blew a strand of hair away from her face. "It's okay to be worried, you know." she said.

"I'm not! In fact, I'm ecstatic!"

A smirk fell on her face as I said that. She didn't make eye contact with me, just smirked, staring straight ahead.

I smiled and furrowed my brow. "What's up, Charles? Are you planning something?"

She shook her head quickly. "No.... I do have to tell you something later though.. it's kind of important-"

"There you guys are!" Mery said, relieved, running up to us. I gave Charlotte an apologetic "We'll talk later" look.

"You guys ready?!" Mery shouted.

"YEAAHHHHH!!!!" Me, Charlotte, Katie, and Maddie shouted at the same time.

"Let's get this party started!" Maddie sang. I couldn't help but smile seeing her, with her crazy style. She had on knee highs with short cut off shorts and a tanktop. Her hair was sprayed blue and it looked awesome.

Charlotte was smiling, and that was great because that meant we wouldn't have to be all concerned about her... I wonder what happened to her...

I decided I'd wait until later to talk to her about how she's being so oddly happy. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she was wearing sweatpants and a tank top, and her bangs kept falling in her face.

The band got all their stuff together, laughing and teasing one another, while I stood there, completely appreciating how well everything was going. For once, it seemed like everything was perfect.

I bit my bottom lip and smiled, looking down at my guitar. My band all ran through the doors into the building. Charlotte held a door open for me. "You coming, M?"

I shook my head. "I'll be a few minutes... I'll find my way. Do you need help with your drums?" I asked, jogging ahead to help Charlotte with her massive drum cart.

She smiled, pushing bangs out of her face again. "Thanks."

We both pushed as hard as we could to get the drum cart through the door. When it finally did, the crash symbol fell off the cart and made a really really loud noise. Charlotte made an "o" shape with her mouth and ran inside after her cart.

I turned around and jogged back to where I had set my guitar on the grass. I picked it up and slung the strap over me, and continued to walk around the side of the building.

As I walked, I thought about everything aloud.

I sighed, putting my hands over my face for a brief moment. "What's gonna happen? I mean, what if, no. I know he doesn't know about me. I'm just...... me. He probably forgot about my mom anyway. Like how's this gonna go? Um... 'Hi! I'm Megan MacFadden. Leana's daughter? And your daughter? Yeah hi I was wondering if I could live with you?' No, that's too straightforward. what if-"

I stopped talking to myself when I saw what was behind the building.My jaw dropped as I looked around.

There was a small stage, with a roof, and a concrete mosh pit area. As you got further away from the stage, the concrete ascended with steps.

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