Chapter 23

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So I had given myself a tour of the house. I was excited to get home from the tour to say the least. The house was perfect.

It wasn't huge, or even that nicely decorated, but it seemed that just being in there improved my mood. And it seemed like the perfect place to hang out with friends; Avenged family or not.

My favorite part was the pool. When you walk out of the room I picked as my bedroom, there's a door that looks like it could be a closet, but it's not. Instead, it's swirly metal stairs down to a big, warm, humid room with pillars and plastic palm trees.

It was dark in there with lights mounted on the walls. The floor was a tile that looked like it could be an outdoor tile and it was very smooth. There was a diving board, a massive slide, and a deep end.

The best part, though, was that there was a little opening in the wall. And the pool stretched through the wall and it connected to the outdoor area of the pool. I loved the house even though it wasn't that great. But this area was completely extravagent.

As I sat in my new room with Mckenna, with her on her laptop and me on my phone, my phone buzzzed.

I got a text.

Since I was in such a good mood, I happily opened the text, figuring it was from Charlotte telling me how much she loves her new home and how much she adores staring at Matt's dimples all the time.

But it wasn't that. It was a text from Mery.

Mery: megan, me, katie, and maddie want to talk to you and charlotte.

Me: why? what's up? c:

Mery: no, it's serious. we want to go home.

Me: WTF why?

It was so sudden and weird. Mckenna noticed my change in my mood and my silent panic and asked, "Who ya texting?"

"Mery..." I slowly said, not taking my eyes off my phone as I waited for a reply.

"Oh... okay... it's just... you seem flustered."

I blinked a couple of times, then stood up and said, "Hey, tell Brian I won't be back until the party starts."

"Okay, fine. Wh-"

Before she could ask me where I was going, I was out the door and on someone's bike, pedaling as fast as I could down the road to get to the hotel where my friends were staying.

When I got to the hotel, I threw the bike down at the curb and sprinted to the front desk and tried to recall my friends' names.

"Can I help you, miss?" The small, fat man at the counter asked me impatiently.

"Um, yes, uh, Mery... Katie, Maddie... Um, Mery Frid. Yeah. What room is Mery Frid in?"

The man sighed audibly and typed the name into the computer. "Mery, spelled M, E, R, Y." I said, much to his annoyance.

I tapped my fingernails on the granite countertop while I waited for his answer.

"They're in room 214, miss."

"Thank you." I said and ran for the elevators. I had to hurry, because well, they could have already left... which I doubt they had... but, you know.

The elevator rose to the second floor and I stumbled out, immediatly running down the hall until I came upon room 214.

I pounded on it with my fist, yelling, "Katie! Maddie! Mery! Open up, it's Megan!"

Maddie soon opened the door and closed it behind her. She leaned up against the door with her arms folded, staring directly into my eyes with no emotion except for a little worry. She began tapping her foot on the floor.

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