Chapter 11

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(Charlotte's POV)

~A Week Later~

The car ride to the Battle of the Bands event was dead silent. I stared forward with my arms folded, clearly showing how pissed off I was- not like anyone cared. I felt like death and frankly wasn't ready to perform.

I knew what do play and how to do it and stuff... I just wish the event wasn't today. I mean, I feel liike crap and would prefer if we weren't going to an event that I was going to see Alex when I felt this awful.

Well, really it wasn't that.... I just didn't want to see him at all. More like face him at all.

He's a dick and a jerk and a prick and an alcoholic drug-addict son of a bitch. I felt my fists clench up and my face turn angry.

I knew that just thinking about him made me crazy, but I couldn't stop. What did I do to him? Why does he treat me this way? Although I wish he would go back to his old self, I know he wont.... and I know that I shouldn't be thinking about this on the day that I could possibly meet Avenged Sevenfold, and Megan could meet her dad.

I ended my mental rant with a roll of my eyes and began to stare out the window, while we drove through what appeared to be a really rich area.

I felt like I was being watched, so I glanced around the car and found Katie, who was sat next to me, glaring at me. "What the hell is your problem? Lighten up, will you?" she said.

"I would if I could." I responded cheekily.

Much to my amusement, she just rolled her eyes. I was never really close with her... she wasn't enough fun. She was always raining on everyone's parade with her annoying questions and comments.

"Well, maybe you should. For the sake of all of us." She said. I just nodded and went back to looking out the window, when Mery shouted, "Woah! Look at all those little fuckers!"

I looked out the window on her side of the car and saw a field with like four cows and said, "The cows?"

She laughed and said, "Charles, look ahead."

I did as she said and was shocked at the sight of the venue. There were thousands of people there, presumably bands, and my heart instantly fell because I knew we had no chance at winning.

We pulled up into the parking lot and parked way at the back. I hopped out of the van and so did the others, grabbing whatever we had to take. "Okay," Megan said, opening the back of the van.

We all pulled out are instruments, well, except for me of course, I have to put my drums on a cart.

So I sighed aloud, clearly showing my irritation at the inconvenience of having to go find a cart in a crowded parking lot.

Mery laughed. "There, Charlotte! I think I see one."

I looked to where she was pointing and, sure enough, in the most crowded and crazy part of the parking lot, there was a single cart.

"You'd better hurry up before it gets stolen."

I set my drumsticks on the ground and began jogging toward the cart. As miserable as I was, I couldn't help but enjoy the atmosphere. It was noisy, music was playing, and there was just about every type of person there is wandering around.

I neared the area that the cart was, but I proceeded to bump into people and even trip once. I wiped the dirt off my hands and continued to push through the croud.

"You'd better not struggle, it won't do you any good." A familiar deep male voice whispered into my ear. And just before I could scream, my voice was muffled by his hand. I was being led somewhere.

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