"Of course, but if you're interested we'll talk about that later, for now, have fun, gotta see what's going on in here," Hyung said as he disappears.

I nodded as I moved around the store, and lord they weren't fucking around. These clothes, shoes, accessories and more are cheaper compared to the actually stores that I've tried to shop from just to have my hopes and dreams snatched away from me even if the items that I would like to have were on sale, it didn't seem like it. I got giddy and started picking up some stuff up going everywhere in the store, grabbing things then stopped for a second to realize I don't have any money to pay for this.....


"What's wrong?" Tae asked walking up to me.

I jumped dropping everything I had in my had on the floor.

"Oh hey Tae," I said, happy to see him.

"Sorry about that didn't mean to scare you," he apologized as he helps me pick up the clothes.

"It's ok ... and it's just...I don't have money to buy all of this. I wouldn't want you to buy all of this for me."

He stood there with a blank face for a second then smiled, shaking his head.

"Don't worry about it, I know you're a broke bitch and I know that you don't have the money for stuff like this right now. I'm taking you out to get these things for you because I want to help you with your career. Now I don't want to hear anymore of those worries alright? I will be taking care of you and you better make sure that Jungkook doesn't know that you know about this place alright?"

"How come? Does he know of this place?'

"Well of course he does! We get our outfits from here all the time, it's just this is a private thing and I don't want him trying to eat you with the idea that I've picked out some clothes that came from this place. Surely he doesn't know about you dancing in the Magic Shop right?"


"Good, for now, get all that you want then meet me at the changing rooms," He said.

I watched him leave and I reorganized the clothes that are hooked on my arm before continuing on. Even though this is exciting, my anxiety hasn't subsided. Sure I would want this stuff because I like this kind of stuff just I don't know if I'm willing to go out in public. I mean it's just crop tops, oversized shirts, shorts and such from brands that I adore and accessories that I've dreamed of wearing.....I guess I shouldn't think too hard on it then if it's making me sit here for roughly two minutes without moving. I looked around a second time and was satisfied with my choices so I went on to meet Tae at the changing rooms a little worried about how all of this will look on me.

"Well well, looks like you have some taste.....more than I thought really," he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That you can dress child nothing more, now let's get you in these clothes and see what you like and don't like," he said pushing me inside.

I put the clothes on the railing then turned to see Tae sitting there looking at me.

"Wait you're going to watch me try these on?"

"Do you know how to put all of them on yourself?"

I looked at some of them that I hung up and looked back at him pouting knowing damn well that some of these look foreign.

"That's what I thought and by the way did you happen to look for some thongs to wear?"

"Why would I need those?"

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