I-I have a boyfriend that I love so much." Draco whispered as his voice cracked at the end. Edward, a brother of Lucius came into the room and started arguing with Draco.

"You do realize you're a fucking faggot right? That you're a disappointment to this family?" Edward harshly stated and Draco's eyes threatened to spill tears. Draco wouldn't let them fall though. Not right now.

The yelling lasted a few more minutes until Draco finally gave up.

"You know what? Fuck you all! I'm tired of all of your bullshit and I'm tired of screaming. I hate you all because you can't accept me for who I am. It's okay though. Be like that! I'd rather spend Christmas with my boyfriend and his family anyway." Draco stated as he marched up the stairs to pack his things. He had gotten a Christmas present for everyone in Harry's family just in case this happened so he wouldn't come in empty-handed.

"Okay stay over there too! We don't want a faggot infecting the smaller children!" He heard someone yell as he rolled his eyes. How stupid could people be?


Draco packed all his things up and went to his car. He drove for about 20 minutes and ended up at his boyfriends house. He was having a family party too. Unlike Harry Draco actually knew his boyfriends family. Harry had wanted to meet Draco's family but Draco explained the situation and Harry understood. So, when Draco dropped by Harry wasn't all that surprised.

"Babe!" Harry had shouted as he hugged Draco. Draco shivered and Harry brought him inside to warm him up. Lily and James brought him to the living room where the family members were sharing stories. Lupin and Sirius were here along with they're kids. Nymphadora was here and all the Weasleys were here too along with some extended family members. Everyone said their hellos to the blonde as Harry pushed through the crowds to get Draco to sit on a comfy seat. Harry sat on him and got real close.

"Hey, Hey, Hey don't get handsy I don't want your parents to dislike me." Draco stated and Harry frowned and pouted like a little boy.

"But I haven't touched you in like two months. Sex toys can only do so much." Harry stated crossing his arms and Draco chuckled. Draco kissed his forehead and mumbled a small "later" and Harry grinned. Draco didn't move Harry off his lap though. James was lowkey giving him the stink eye but Draco pretended not to notice. He knew that they loved him James was just protective.

Everyone had their own rooms to sleep in and Harry had quickly brought Draco to his room before his parents could say no. James and Lily understood that they hadn't physically seen each other in a little over two months so Draco doubted they would be stopped.

Harry quickly kissed him and Draco closed the gap between them. The kiss got heated fast and Harry was enjoying all the attention.

"I—I missed you" Harry whispered as they kissed and Draco nodded. The kiss slowed down and Harry laid on Draco's lap.

"So, what happened at your place?"

"Same old, Same old" Draco looked over at Harry and Harry nodded. Draco didn't want to think about this so instead he grabbed Harry's hips and grinded their lower halves. Harry moaned out of contact. God, he was so senesitive now since they hadn't done anything in such a long time.

"So sensitive" Draco snickered and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Shut up. It's been awhile."

"Too long" Draco stated as he sucked harshly on the smaller guys neck. "Mine."
Draco growled and Harry moaned but bit his lip knowing his whole family was in the house. They got off the bed since the thing was making too much noise and were able to have quiet enough sex to not wake anyone up.


Harry was a limping mess in the morning as everyone opened their presents. James seemed to notice but kept his distance. Draco had told them all to wait and brought the big bags full of presents.

"Uh, as you guys know my family isn't the most accepting family and things led to other things and I ended up here last night. I just wanted to say thank you for accepting me and letting me be together with Harry" Draco smiled and put the bag in the middle of the room.

"Everyone has a present. They're labeled." Draco stated and everyone thanked him. A few minutes later Harry tells Draco to follow him and Draco does as he's told.

"Here..." Harry whispered and handed Draco a beautifully wrapped box. Draco opened the box and looked at the gift.

It was a beautiful silver ring that had the day they got together engraved in it and a heart following it. It had tiny little green emerald around it. It was beautiful.

"Harry this is...beautiful." Draco whispered looking at it. Harry blushed and looked away. Here this is for you.

Harry opened his gift and found a CD signed by his favorite band that happened to be Panic! At the Disco. Harry squeaked and hugged Draco hard. After that sweet moment was over they went downstairs and everyone sat there waiting for them.

"So, Draco as you know, we love you. You bring out a side  of Harry none of us had ever seen and make him happy. We all love you two together and we know you're current situation with you're family so..." James started and Lily squealed

"We bought you guys a house! Everyone here chipped in and bought a beautiful house down the street. Of course you don't have to move in yet, but whenever you guys are ready it's going to be there." Lily stated and Draco went over to hug them both. He yelled a loud thanks, tears streaming down his face and the rest of the day was spent by everyone talking and playing games.

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