*Blue Escapisms*

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And all this time I will hold you tightly,

even if it's not for real.

Because your scent has been my favourite 

and I can't seem to let it go.

Holding onto our memories like they are my float,

 life will still find a way to make me drown deep.

But I only want to drown inside your arms. 

If only for a second...

If only you weren't just an escapism.

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October 13th 2019

''Don't you dare...You can't wear this to a party babe. Especially Park Jimin's party'' Taehyung commented while fixing his tie in front of the huge, golden mirror of their bedroom.

''But this is far more comfortable than the suit you have bought  for me. Besides, I doubt Jimin will care about my clothing at all'' Yoongi yelped when he felt Taehyung's hand slapping his ass.

''For once in your lifetime can you listen to your boyfriend ? Blue looks great on you''.

''Fine, fine...where is the party anyway ?''.

''His house. I advised him to do it some place else but he wanted his father to attend since poor Mr. Park broke his leg trying to prune the purple tree on their backyard'' Taehyung commented and rolled his fingers through his hair.

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