*The Workshop Of Our Dreams*

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I could spend all of my life

writing poems about your beauty.

I could spend all my life saluting nature

for making you the way you are.

It was like the skies had a sudden moment of epiphany

and created you, my love,

my life,

my work of art.

my work of art

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''Damn. I thought it would have collapsed by now'' Jimin commented when he saw the familiar vehicle.

The old car where they used to paint and make memories was still there, covered under a huge matress of leaves and flowers. The little laterns that they had placed in the past where mostly damaged but they still reminded them of that day. The colourful blossoms made the car look like a part of nature itself, as if it was built to be there. The ''workshop'' hadn't withered. Their loved hadn't either.

Jungkook felt Jimin's hand escaping from the tight grasp and he instantly understood what he was been missing all this time. The guilt was eating his from the inside, like an unwelcoming woodworm  who ate the furniture. The older ran to his workshop, trying to walk between the flowers. Jimin's eyes lit up when he saw the door where they had written their names. He traced the cold surface with his fingers when he felt someone hugging his waist from the back. Jungkook placed his head on top of his love's shoulder and immediately engulfed him in a back hug.

''Did you come here after the incident ? Didn't you miss the place ?'' the older wondered while reminiscing everything that had happened inside the boneshaker. The paintings, their hugs, their stupid conversations, the ''I love you's'', their private  birthday parties...

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