CHAPTER 22 - The President's Daughter

Start from the beginning

Now looking at my mother, I place a hand on my chin with knitted brows.

"When you said something huge was happening in David and his wife's life, you meant when he was running for president." I say in realization.

"And his awful wife, Rebecca Dé'Neilio would do anything and go to any lengths to become First Lady of America and move into the White House." She confirms. "David is a good man, she knew if he found out about my pregnancy, he would've stepped up and be a father and he would've lost the election because of his affair.. but that wasn't what she was worried about.. what she was really worried about was the odds of her not becoming First Lady and being extremely powerful."

"After a while, she didn't love David genuinely, she fell in love with the status and power she got from the marriage and because of that, she's done unspeakable things to be who she is today, including giving away her own husband's child without him even knowing. She even bought me this house in my name, she offered me a lot of money but I refused. No money could replace my children. She doesn't care about anyone's feelings except hers. How can one woman be so ruthless?" Mom states, finally finishing my theory.

"Rebecca is a selfish, awful and manipulative witch. What kind of person does things like this?" My blood boils inside my veins and I can literally feel my pulse throbbing in my temples.

"My question is, how will he meet his kids?" Mom questions.

"What.. what do you mean kids?"

She glances at me and stands up to meet my height. She takes some strands of hair from both sides of my face and lays them down. I search her eyes, wondering what's coming next. Oh God, what is it now?

"I'm going to show you a photo of you when you were a baby."

With a nod from me, she retreats to a room and I follow her. She takes a box from off her dresser and opens it, then taking a photo from it and shows it to me, its a photo of her in the hospital holding me.

"My sister, Cassandra, took it. I want you to meet your aunt soon." She says as I look at the photo, ignoring the part about Cassandra because I'm now confused.

"There are three babies in your arms." I continue to stare at the photo confused.

"I know. This one is you." She touches the photo with an index.

"Who are the other two?" I ask as she places an arm around me and squeezes.

"Those are your sisters, Jada. You're a triplet." She breathes and I immediately snap my face to her with wide eyes. My adrenaline building another layer.

"I'm a who?" Clarity. Clarity is what I need to restore me from this shock.

"It's true." She says quietly. And clarity did not restore me from my shock.

"Whe.. where are they?" I ask in a low tone, my lips tremble a bit in anticipation. 

"Same thing that happened to you, must've happened to them. I.. Pumpkin, I have no clue where they are." She tells me, audibly trying to strengthen her straining voice. My heart falls, knowing they must be out there somewhere, not knowing who they truly are.

I'm a triplet? I'm a triplet. 

In one day, I find out that I not only have one biological sister, but four sisters? Holding my forehead, this is too much to take in. I settle myself comfortably on a chair. I try to think as I shake my legs frantically in unsettled thoughts. My mom sits beside me and rakes an arm around my shoulder, rocking me slowly. 

Also, with all of this powerful family theory surrounding me right now, I can't help but remember how influential Kyrie's family was. This was another reason why he attracted the friends that he did. But for some reason, his parents didn't care much for his kind. Instead, they fell in love of the sight of seeing Kyrie giving me his ice cream because mine fell in the dirt when we were seven. I never forget and as quick as this exchange was, they saw it, found me adorable and wanted Kyrie and I to be best friends forever and somehow ended up getting married some day.

For someone I've gotten over, I'm sure being reminded of him every chance the universe gets.

"What are we going to do?" She asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I have an idea."


"When I found out that I was adopted, I trashed my dad's room for evidence. I found nothing but a small signature for someone, then used my skills to track him down. He gave me the name Cameron Fernandez but I couldn't find you. I called him and when he found out that I'm your daughter, he gave me the name that you're legally under. He was terrified of Rebecca but he said something about her not having leverage over him anymore, whatever that means, and he feels terrible about separating a child from its mother without consent." I explain.

"I was wondering how the hell you found me."

I drag my phone from wherever on me it was and dial Tyrell's number.

"Yes." He answers in a expectant tone. Probably expecting my results.

"I need your help."

"I helped you."

"You did not tell me that I was a triplet."

He makes one single chuckle, "I see you've found your mother, your welcome."

"I'm sorry, thank you. I need to find my other two sisters. Please, I need your help."

"I told you that the rest was up to you, kid. There's nothing more I'll do for you, I'm sorry but you're on your own now. And don't even think about pulling no stunts again, breaking into my home like some villain." He warns.

"Mr. Aniston, please."

"You were smart enough to find me, I'm sure you'll figure out how to find them too."

"What do I do!?" I squeal in frustration.

"You're a smart girl, Jada, you'll come up with something. I've done my fair share of helping you, I will not take any more part in this. I'm not going down this road again." He says calmly then hangs up.

I throw the phone aside, burying my face in my hands. My mom rubs my back, her hands are making my upcoming headache return to where it came from.

Think, Jada.. think.

The Dé'Neilios are very powerful people. I can't just come out of nowhere and say I'm his daughter, that's expected from anyone who's seeking attention with false information. I could go to prison so I have to prove that I'm his child, once I've done that, I'll find my other sisters.. because Rebecca will hand deliver them to me herself.

The question is, how the hell do I get close to these people?


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