CHAPTER 21 - I'm Yours

Start from the beginning

"Could you.. remind me of who you are?" She asks.

"My name is... Jada White, I attend St. Alejandro's College." I say and she nods attentively, urging me to continue. "It's a private school." I add awkwardly, not knowing what else she wants to know.

I can tell that my name doesn't even ring a bell to her.


"Do you have any children?"

"I.. I have a daughter. She's 5, in pre school. What is this about?" She was reluctant to answer, the question definitely tickled a nerve but she sticks to her composure.

I stare at her for a few seconds in deep thought that I actually have a little sibling.

"Can you uhh.. think a little further back? Like uhm.. 18 years back?" Desperation is obviously in my voice and she knows that now.

Her eyes widens before she glares at me, stiffening her body. The small percent of walla that went down are back up and stronger than before. Maybe I shouldn't have said that so quickly.

"Who sent.. who sent you here? Who are you?" Fear fills her eyes, her eyes constantly dart between me and the door behind me. Does she think I was being tailed? Why is she so scared?

"It's okay."

"You have to go." She paces towards the door. She opens the door and sticks her head out to look left and right, then out on the street. She now turns to me and gestures for me to leave.


"Please leave my house." her voice and her body fidgets. She is immensely uneasy next to shaking.

"I'm not here to cause trouble, Susan. Or should I say, Cameron?" My dumb and impulsive self earns a death glare from her. I really have a death wish, I should've never said that. Well not that way. What is wrong with me?

"Get out of my house!" She screams in panic. Her eyes shooting deadly daggers at me and I can almost physically feel them.

"Miss Fernandez, I promise you that I'm here off my own will and no one knows about this. I came alone too. You are scared of something, but I can assure you, you are not in any danger, I swear on my life!" I plea in sincerity as I stretch my palms forward to her to calm her.

"Who are you?" She whispers with her eyebrows knitted. Her voice is strained with a pained expression eating her up.

I stare into her eyes, wild emotions and anxiety flashes through me, making the depths of my stomach turn.

"I'm yours, Cameron. Your daughter." I say softly, the air in the room suddenly gets thicker.

Her eyes doesn't widen this time. Instead, there's a painful and immobilized look in them. She's so consumed with shock that I'm afraid she might faint especially because she has deflated and seeming physically weak. She stares at me with intense emotions flashing across her face. Closing the door slowly without losing eye contact from me. After a while, she's hesitantly taking steps closer to me. We stand face to face just intensely gazing in each other's eyes.

Her brows unknits in somewhat realization and I can tell her questions have somewhat been answered. Very tenderly, she cups my cheek gently, very gently with one palm then using the other hand, glazing her fingers over my face, scanning it in deep focus as her eyes search mine. Shivers running up and down my spine the entire time at her touch once again. The fire right now is about to burn us both alive.

She cups both my cheeks in her soft, heavenly palms, staring at me as if she's searching for something and she's desperately hoping that the answer is there. I'm desperately hoping that the answer is there. Tears form in the back of my eyes as I exhale a breath that's been trapped in my throat way too long now.

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