91 | Fighting & Band-Aids

Start from the beginning

Well kissing Khan was kind of hot. That was an accident! Just like you kissing Jookie.  Jookie wasn't an accident. I meant to do that. It didn't mean anything though.

Well please reframe from doing it again. Please. No promises. I'm thinking since we can die at any moment, this V-card needs to go pronto. Who wants to die without getting some deep dic— NO! HELL NO. Keep your fucking thighs closed. Angry much? I'm starting to think I'm rubbing off on you. Shut up and just promise me you'll stay with your team.

What if they don't want me? I'm not you. Trust me, they're not like everyone else we've met. They're like Jess. Just be yourself but tone it down a bit. A bit? Just try not to go full on cannibal. What if I'm in a fight though? My teeth sort of react on their own. They're like a magnet for tender flesh. Fine. Fight only. And don't go full-own sadist or machoistic either.  So, switch? No just try to find a middle ground. You're really going to make my time out hella boring, but sure, whatever. You're lying to me.

How do you know that? Cause we share a fucking body? Fine, I'll do my best. Promise. Fine. Bye. Toodles.

In an instant, warmness clawed at my insides, and my vision blackened. That darkness went on for some time, and then, I awoke with a jolt.

My eyes peeled open and blinked a few times as I tried to feel for Betinia, but a wall blocked my invasion. She was there, but not accessible. I really was alone. Hmm, this is going to be interesting.

Clearing the sleep crust from my eyes with several quick blinks, various purple blankets and satin pillows materialized into view, along with a familiar yet unknown room.

"Huh?" Thick dryness caked my throat, every spoken syllable carving a line on the side, initiating a sharp ache. All of my muscle fibers hollered in stiffness and soreness. 

Fingers clutching the comfy blankets, I peeked around the room and saw a car nesting in the corner. Yaz's room.

My body rested on top of her king-size bed, submerged in thick bedding. Copious amounts of bushy gauze, sticky tape, and large bandages veneered my skin, shielding me like a new mummy.

That bitch really did some damage to me. Ooo, I was going to sink a blade so deep into their balls/ovaries that the metal would get pregnant.

A harsh clapping noise pulled me from my inner thoughts. Sliding my head to the right, I spotted Yaz in the corner, twerking on her desk, ass aimed at the screen.

"Come on, give me those numbers," Yaz hollered, still twerking. Her back was arched, and she was deep into a squat, really getting it.

A soft snigger bumbled in my chest, escaping my throat, making everything hurt more, but it was so worth it. I think me and her would get along just fine.

She must've heard me laughing because she picked her head up, cheeks still slapping. "Betinia!" Her voice rang with excitement like she was really happy to see me.

That's new. Only people who's ever been happy to see me before was Tim and Jonathan. Sometimes Angie if she was in a good mood.

I coughed. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to get us McDonald's." Yaz stopped moving and jumped to her feet. "In one twerk session, I got 200,000 subscribers. I'm so close to being able to dip delicious nuggets into a Oreo McFlurry." Her bare feet made no noise as she padded over to me. "How you feeling?"

"Eh, just feel like choking a bitch." Fuck. Probably shouldn't have said that. Normal people don't say things like that, but Betinia did say I could do what I wanted... to a degree.

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