Chapter .40.

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I'm going to throw up.

That's it. I could feel the bagel just waiting to crawl up my throat and splatter all over Renesse's dashboard.

Okay that was too descriptive but I can't really focus on not sounding disgusting when I'm probably headed right toward dying.

Yeah, sure I wanted to confront my brother and skin him alive but I needed to be mentally prepared for that since it was pretty obvious that he wouldn't just sit back and let me do the skinning.

He'd probably blow a hole in my head.

"You've gone a little green," Renesse states, as she guns the old borrowed Corvette down the abandoned street.

She insisted on renting an intimidating-looking car to help us in the process of confronting my brother, which I was not so sure about, but now since I see that the probability of us getting shot in the face is lesser when we're in a car than in a bike, I'm rooting for the Corvette.

I think about what I should say as an answer. All I can think about is breakfast bagels. And not in a good way.

"Mmhmm," is all I can say because I was afraid that if I opened my mouth any wider, the undigested bagel would make an appearance.

Now that wouldn't be pretty.

The car screeches to an abrupt halt. The jerk nearly knocks my teeth out of my skull.

I turn to look at her.

"I'm not forcing you to do this, Aiden. If you're not feeling good about it, we can always turn back," She looks at me with genuine concern in those glimmering golden orbs. At a second glance at her face, I could see the fear in her features too, but hidden by an armour of confidence.

She was just as unsure about this as I was.

I knew that if we turned back now, I'd never confront Dawn. I also didn't like the fact that we were going in there without a plan.

"We both know I want to, but I just don't think we'll stand a chance without a plan." I say, look toward the road.

"I thought it was pretty obvious. The main reason why we're heading there is because we want answers. I can't go to anyone else for answers and Livia knows only half the story. Everyone else has been brainwashed or worse." She says and I see her slender fingers grip the steering wheel so tight that I see grooves forming on the leather.

I place my fingers over her knuckles and her grip softens.

"Let's go." I say.

I'm surprised at the amount of confidence in my voice, because I was nearly pissing my pants two seconds ago, but this newfound determination fuelled my confidence.

Renesse must have noticed too, because she raised her eyebrows and smiled softly.

After we reach, I crane my neck out of the passenger's side window to observe our surroundings.

It wasn't anything glamorous, but it looked intimidating. It was a grey stone house, with solid walls and a tiled roof. It had arched windows and columns that were cracked and covered in twisting honeysuckle. The design of the columns and windows looked ancient, but the tiles on the roof glistened like they were brand new.

Renesse hops out of the car and fumbles in her backpack. I see her pull out a lethal-looking taser and tuck it in the back pocket of her jeans.

I also notice her amazing hips but decide that this was not the time to check out my girlfriend.

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