Chapter .32.

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I decided to think about that later and just focus on keeping my clone captive.

I hadn't let it properly sink in till now, and looking right at someone that looks exactly like you, claims to be you, and tried to kill you is kinda creepy. It was like looking in a mirror. But the image in the mirror had gotten closer and closer and held a gun to my head. This wasn't an image anymore.

"I'm going to ask again, and I think I deserve an answer. Who are you?" Renesse says, an edge to her voice. I see her subtly slip her swift fingers into the top of her jeans and wrap them around her taser. I take a step closer, not wanting him to make a run for it. We both had our backs facing the exit now, blocking Little Cunt's escape.

Oh god that name really makes it hard to be serious.

Little Cunt lets out a breath. He looks at us, like we were ruining something so carefully planned out. I think he almost looked irritated. He takes cautious steps toward me, and stops about a foot away from me. I see Renesse's body tense in agitation.

Damn this dude. You never knew what he was up to. He places a hand on my shoulder and I flinch.

"You always did have your own special vibe, now didn't you, brother?" He says and shakes his head sorrowfully.

Brother? What was he talking about? I think I feel a little dizzy now.

He cocks his head to look at Renesse. "What gave it away? Was it the cologne? I knew it was too much." His voice was sadistically humorous, like he was having fun mentally torturing me.

Everyone seems to like doing that lately. First it was the stone in the nose, and now this.

She shakes her head. "It was the scar." Her voice is dull. I could nearly hear the gears in her head turning. Then I vaguely remember the scar above my eyebrow.

His hand grips my shoulder a little tighter. "Ah. Of course. How observant you are."

"That's it. No more playing games. You either fucking tell us who you are or get electrocuted. I'm tired of your little schemes. And this is your last fucking chance to take that slimy hand off of my shoulder." I snap. I was done.

He obliges and removes his hand. Then he takes in a sharp breath. My irises flick to see Renesse sticking the points of the taser over his spine. I see Renesse grip his jaw and turn it to face her.
She brings her mouth close to his ear.
"My finger is on the trigger and this time it's fully loaded. Now go on, open that pretty mouth of yours and lets see if it's good for anything other than kissing clueless women." She whispers and jabs the sharp points farther into his back. He groans.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you. Just....let me have a drink of water. I'm dying of thirst." He says suggestively.

I sneer. "You think we're falling for that? You're going to tell us who you are even if you're coughing up blood due to dehydration. I don't care."

He growls. That's when I feel a slight pressure behind my ear and my vision goes black.

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