Chapter .11.

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After he drops me back home, and I'm staring at the ceiling recounting all the shit that happened,the guilt kicks in. Well okay, maybe it had already kicked in but now it was kicking with intent to kill.

But then I shake my head. If there's one thing Rihanna taught me, it was to never looks back, unless your ass was in in the mirror.

Maybe Aiden didn't recognize me... although I hadn't really changed much.

Maybe he didn't want to. Now shut up and sleep if you wanna investigate tomorrow.

I roll my eyes at myself and fall asleep, mind swirling with theories and possibilities.


I wake up, brush, eat and dress like a zombie. I felt like everything was spinning like a giant wheel.

I barely even noticed I'd worn my underwear over my jeans or that I'd put Kleenex into my cereal in place of milk. It was all just a blur.

Then Kelly came downstairs.

She looked at me, mouth agape, like I had put  toothpaste on my lips instead of lip gloss.

Which I probably did.

"What the fudge are you doing?!" She asked, looking as horrified as that one time I spilled orange juice over her Prada bag accidentally.

I groaned. Wow, I really was turning into a zombie.

She speedwalked her way up to me and pushed my bowl of Kleenex fruitloops away. Then she looked at my Superman-style pants and gagged.

"Is that the Mickey mouse underwear your cousin got you as a prank gift on your 9th birthday?" She asks, disbelievingly.

I look down and smile goofily at Micky's face over my jeans. "Yeeeess. Stylish, isn't it?"

"No shit." She says flatly. Then her expression morphs into one of shock and realization.

"Nesse, did you by any chance drink the glass over there by the counter?"

I look over at the kitchen counter and see an empty glass. Oh yeah, I remember drinking that. Tasted rather funny actually. Maybe the water was stale from being out so long.

Can water get stale?

"Yeeahh I remember drinking that. Don't leave water out uncovered like that Kelly, do you know how much Suspended Particulate Matter is floating around in the air? That's why it tasted funny." I slur, leaning towards her.

Her eyes widen. "Holy shit Nesse, that wasn't water, It was tequila! Really fucking strong tequila! And a whole friggin' glass of it!" She yells, panicked.

Ooooohhhhh right. That's why it smelled funny too. Silly me.

I frowned, looking at her. "Why would you leave tequi- something out like that?"

She rolled her grey eyes. "I wanted to make myself a drink the night before. Must've forgotten it here on the counter before going to bed."

I grin drunkenly and shake my head. "Ohhh Kelly, so forgetful. No wonder you forgot my name once at that party we went to together when you got really drunk!"

Kelly sighed. "You forgot my name, Nesse." She said defeatedly.

Oh right.

She tugs at my arm and pulls me from the chair. "You're too drunk to go to work so just sleep it off and then if you want, work the night shift." She decides, leading me upstairs to my bedroom.

I suddenly remember all that happened yesterday. Kind of.

I jerk my hand away sluggishly. "No Kelly! I gotta ivestigate about -uhhh-what's-his-name?- oh yeah, Adele!" I try to remember the dude's name but it's blurry. Must be the tequi-thingy I drank.

She huffs and starts to drag me forward again. "That's a new one. Drunk or not, you'd never forget Adele's gender. That stuff must be strong as shit."

I shake my head. "Shit is not exactly hard you know, it's more like a gooey kind of consistency. That's how it manages to fit throu-" I'm cut off my Kelly shoving me onto my bed and lodging her fingers into her ears.

"Ew." She says, wincing. Then she takes my bottle of painkillers and a glass of water -yes actually water this time- and puts it on my nightstand.

Oh, by the way, she dislodged her fingers from her ears before doing that because I don't think she'd be able to lift glasses with her elbows.

Or could she? I giggle, picturing Kelly balancing cups and glasses on her elbows, looking like she belonged in a circus act.

Kelly glanced at me while unscrewing the painkiller bottle's lid. "What's so funny?"

"Elbow-balancing Kelly." I laugh.

She rolls her eyes and pushes a strand of her red hair back while walking out the door.

"Sleep it off okay?" She says, raising her eyebrows.

I rest my head on the pillow and nod my head. A nap sounds nice.... I could investigate about Adele or whatever his name was later.

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