Chapter .15.

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Ever since I woke up in that hospital room, I can't seem to remember anything at all. When I asked the doctors about it, they said it was a concussion. A concussion so serious it could take my memory away in a snap. They said it could be amnesia but they weren't sure. They gave me some medication and told me to go home.

Home where? I had got hold of some old pictures of myself and traced it all back here. In the pictures, I saw a woman, probably in her mid-thirties and a boy of about 18 who seemed to be very close to me. I figured it was my mother and brother. I didn't look much like my mother, but my brother and I had similar features.

I tried asking for help at the police station, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't trace down any records of people related to me.
Funny, I thought. I then showed them my mother's picture and they had no record of her too. I was tired. Sick. The headaches wouldn't stop. My skull was splitting apart. So with some money they found with me wherever I was when I got a concussion, I bought some basic stuff and headed to the dusty, creaky place I now call home.

The part about me probably having Amnesia scared me the most. What if it was permanent? What if I forget everything that ever mattered? What if... I lose myself? I couldn't afford that.
So I kept frequently visiting the hospital. They still couldn't figure my brain out.

Talk about complicated.

When I got to this place, it was covered with the sticky yellow tape you find all over crime scenes.

What was I involved in? All my stuff-or what used to be my stuff- was now gone. No trace of the Fam.

Except for the embarrassing picture of me in a diaper, no actual evidence of my life before whatever happened showed up.

I was just chilling at home, without a phone, of course because apparently everything was lost when they found me in the middle of the road, bleeding my skull out.

Now I couldn't even Google 'how to get rid of Amnesia'. Life was just perfect.

Then I start hearing weird noises from the kitchen. I get up and slink down to the kitchen, but when I did, there was no one there.

So I head over to my brother's room, where I could hear slight shuffling.

I see a tall, lean girl, with purple hair standing over the desk, reading the medicine dosages I got.
Random much?

She looked pretty harmless, so I loosely grip her upper arm, trying to not startle her.

She spins around and pokes my chest with a....taser?

Before I know it, I get electrocuted. By some girl I don't know.

I wake up about an hour or so later, and damn am I pissed.

Who does this girl think she is?

"Who are you and what are you doing at my house?" I ask when she stands at the foot of my bed. As soon as the words leave my mouth, she looks pained, like I'd just stabbed her in the back.

She's desperate now, for me to recognize her.

I feel a sudden flash, like I've seen that face before. Like I've known it all my life. I just can't remember. It's on the tip of my tongue.

I get up and walk over to her. She doesn't back away. I look at her face. I've known her for long. Long enough for it to hurt her when I don't remember her.

She's beautiful. Beautiful in a different way. Her eyes are captivating. They're an unusual colour. They're the gold of the sun when it's sinking below the horizon. The gold of the dying rays of day. They are in no way warm. They're cold, cautious and calculating.

I can see the recklessness in them. The intelligence. Her hair is jet black, except for the ends, which are dyed purple. There's an extremely noticeable splash of freckles across her nose and cheekbones. Her complexion is a rich brown, she's definitely not from around here. The purple stone of her piercing glitters like a star.

Renesse, she said her name was Renesse. What a beautiful name.

There's a sudden piercing pain in my head, resonating through my body and I fall onto the bed.

She looks concerned. I would be too. This concussion hurts like a bitch.

Then she pulls out an old box and tells me to open it.

Was there a bomb in it?

I open it anyway. My head hurts even more. My heart stings. There's pictures of me and her, as kids, growing up, pictures of my mother, my family.

Who is this girl?

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