Chapter .31.

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I don't know what came over me, but I guess being the only sober dude in a club full of drunk, high and horny people just makes you feel like a total loser. Yeah, I've felt this way before, but it feels magnified this time. Every once in a while, random chicks would come up to me and try to get in my pants, that was annoying, but I was just glad any guys didn't try and hit on me. I was mentally scarred after that episode.

So I just gave into my desire to find Renesse. I didn't know what I'd do after finding her, but I just had to.

She wasn't at the bar, so I headed toward the dance floor to check. If you haven't been to a club before, well then, trying to get by an ocean of drunk people is no piece of pie. You can't go a few feet before someone just decides to hump your leg. Ew.

I just go through as fast as I can, and when I reach the dance floor, a slow song comes on. I swear I heard all the single people let out a collective groan before shuffling back to the tables. I almost joined in, but then decided to focus on the task. No moping, Aiden.

It was dark, but I could make out a few couples locked in a passionate embrace as they swayed gently to the song. Whatever, that definitely  didn't make me feel lonelier.

That's when I saw her. Beautiful as ever, of course, but the lights in the club made her look even more irresistible, and I didn't think that was possible. The soft colours swept over the sharp contours of her face and made her eyes glow and sparkle like molten gold. It was as if the moon itself was shining through her eyes.

And then I saw him. She was looking at whoever that was like she wanted him to stay by her side forever. My heart twisted. I think I heard it crack a little. The polar bears in the Arctic probably hear the fucking crack. Whoever this guy was, he sure must be enjoying Renesse's hands on him. Damn those fingers could work magic.

I just stood there, like a creep. I should've walked away and left her alone. But no. It was as if I couldn't tear my eyes away from them. As they swayed to the music, I saw his fingers trace the curve of her sleek waist.

Great. Now they were touching.

I tried to tell myself that she was probably drunk, and that she was just dancing with a random stranger. I did a pretty good job of convincing myself until she kissed him. Or he kissed her. I couldn't tell at the moment because I was trying really hard not to walk up to the dude, smash a bottle of low-grade beer on his head, and swear at him in twenty different exotic languages. Emphasis on exotic.

I was ready to turn around but then I caught ome last glimpse of Renesse's expression changing into one of shock. She was looking right at the man she had kissed, body frozen in fear.

I paused. Maybe I should check out what was wrong. I walked over to the other side briskly, wanting to wrench Renesse out of his grip and take her home.

My eyes stopped on the man's face. Features identical to mine shone in the lights. I think we were even of the same height. My heart thudded at a rapid pace.

I watched as Renesse came to her senses and pulled away from Little Cunt. She jerked her body free and distanced herself from him. Over her shoulder, I saw his eyes meet mine. They narrowed. Renesse turned her head and looked at me. Her eyes were surprisingly calm, but they had a message.

We can't let him get away again.

I flicked my eyes back to Little Cunt's and-

Okay that's it. I was finding a new name for this asshole.

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