Chapter .27.

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As the car's door opens, I expect to see Blondie again and put on my best it's-you-again-why-aren't-you-dead-yet look.
But noo.
Little Cunt here decided to give poor little me the fucking mother of all heart attacks. How sweet.

When a guy in a black suit stepped out, I went over my most-used most-offensive swear word list. After I couldn't decide which one to call him, I just thought I'd decide when the time comes.

Then the little bastard turns around and kaboom everything when to shit.

He just stood there, looking exactly like Aiden, smiling softly at me. He outstretched his arms, as if he was expecting me to hug him.

"W-who the fuck are you?" I say, then mentally kick myself for stuttering.

He smiles like a Cheshire cat. "Aiden. Don't you remember?"

What was I supposed to say now? If I said I didn't believe him, then he'd know that I found Aiden, then we'd both be in shit. So I play along.

"Of course I remember. I just.. didn't expect you." I say, and scan his face, hoping it was one of those cool rubber masks like in the Mission Impossible movies.

Maybe it was Tom Cruise coming to whisk me away to a romantic island and marry me. At this point, who knows?

He takes two steps toward me and stops abruptly. "Im sorry, Renesse. For everything. I'm sorry I left and I'm sorry I just popped up in your life when you had just learnt to get over me. I need you to come with me." He says, looking into my eyes.

I almost nod and get into the car, that was how convincing and sincere he sounded. His voice was pained, so pained and it sounded genuinely sorry.

It was almost like he knew what it was like.

But then I remembered, how easy it was to fake sounding sorry. I'm an expert at telling the difference. This didn't sound fake though, but I was sure as hell not going to get into that car no matter how sorry he sounded.

I shake my head. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I don't even know if it's you."

He looks confused. In a flash, he's an inch away from me and grabs my hands and puts them on his face. I jerk back, surprised by the sudden action, but he steadies me. The warmth from his skin seeps into my cold hands. All his features matched. There was no defect. The same light hazel eyes, cold and empty. The same sharp features that could turn from amused to angry in seconds.
And then I realize. This was no rubber mask.

"It's me, Aiden. Why don't you believe me?" He says, like he was confused why I didn't believe him right away. What other proof did I need? There couldn't be two Aidens right? Right?

Wrong. I flick my irises to the corner of my eyes, hoping Aiden would catch the movement and get the hint.
"I don't know, this is so confusing. You were gone. And now you're here. How?"

He just looks deeper and deeper into my eyes. There was something different about this man. He looked like there was pain permanently etched into his face, but you'd only see it if you look. Look at the layers of his past that built up and made a mask of sorrow.

He sighs and the warm air blows across my face and makes strands of my hair sway. He still has a grip on my hands and is inches away from my face. I don't risk glancing at the corner where Aiden was hidden again, or this..person would know I'm up to something.

What? I couldn't call him Little Cunt anymore, now that he has a face and an identity.

Then, out of fucking nowhere, he kisses me. Right on the lips. I'm not even shitting you right now. He moves his hands to my face and caresses my hair before pulling away and resting his forehead on mine. It was a slow, soft kiss but I was still in the what the fuck state to punch him or do something worse like cut his genitals off.

"What just happened?" I ask, in my best you-better-have-a-reason-for-that voice.

"I kissed you." He says in a duh voice. Suddenly, his features turn surprised and his face goes pale. He moves away from me and then I see the glinting metal barrel of the gun pressed against his temple.

He doesn't dare move his head to look at whoever was trying to blow his brains out. Smart move.

"Who the fuck are you?" Aiden asks lowly, twisting the barrel deeper into his temple.

Damn this'll be interesting.

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