Chapter .13.

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Just kidding, I don't have Gucci. Unless you count the knock-off I accidentally bought once.

Aren't you supposed to be focusing on something OTHER than fake Gucci right now?

Oh, right. Unconscious Aiden.

A dark red bruise starts forming on his face right above this cheekbone from where he hit the floor. I reach out and touch it. I feel his skin swelling under my fingertips and trail them up to his forehead and trace an old scar.

I've always wanted to know how he got the scar but he wouldn't tell me. Must be something embarrassing.
I've got to put some ice on that and make a plan. I clutch his arm and lift it up to sling it over my neck. I put my other arm around his waist and drag his limp body to Johnathan's dusty bed.
He's heavy, but I can take it.
All that kickboxing paid off.
Laying him down slowly, I notice his cheek getting worse.
Hopefully his kitchen has some Ice. I walk to the kitchen and swing the door to the refrigerator open. There's milk, bread, some weird chunky dish that I choose not to describe, and a few vegetables. Looks like he hasn't been here for long. All the things in there are very basic.
I open the top cabinet and find a pack of frozen peas. That'll do. I walk back to the room with the bag in my hand and gently place it on his cheek after tilting his head to the side.

A purple strand of hair falls into my face as I brush it behind my ear. He'll probably wake up in half an hour. Maybe more, considering he took a fall to his face.

I can't help the chuckle that escapes my lips. Holy fuck he deserved that. I sit on the edge of the bed and wonder what I was going to do after he woke up. I look at him. Maybe I should just leave.

But didn't you come here for answers?

God, I hate being sensible.

I guess after he woke up I would just confront him. Which I was in no position to do since I just broke into his house and electrocuted him. But still. I would question him. He didn't seem to recognize me at the park the other day, but why? I hadn't really changed that much since high school. I just dyed the ends of my hair and gotten a nose stud.

It was just a tiny purple stone to go with my hair. Big deal, mom.
This is getting boring. I walk over to Johnathan's desk and pick up the papers that I found scattered there before the whole.....incident. There's some weird writing on them.

Oh wait, it's a doctor's note. Jeez. All doctors just have to have shitty writing. It's a prescription for a concussion. Seems pretty serious from looking at the dosage. Since there's no one else here, I'd assume that it belonged to Aiden, but I'm not assuming and taking any chances anymore.

My hair falls in my eyes again and I huff and push it back. I wish I brought a hair tie. I check my watch. It's been almost 45 minutes. He should be up by now but I guess the additional damage from having a concussion took a toll on him.

I swear, I'm definitely not enjoying this.

I decide to look through the rest of the stuff in the house incase I find something that can help me. This house doesn't look lived in at all, unless you count the Froot Loops by the kitchen counter. Douchebags can still have good cereal taste I guess.

I start with Aiden's bedroom. I walk in and it looks pretty much empty, but this time I look closer. There's some discarded socks below the bed. I decide not to investigate near those. I open his closet door and look inside.
As I'm closing the door, something flashes in my eyes. Frowning, I look again. Then I notice that the rod on which the clothes hang is a little too low to actually be useful. I grip the iron rod and pull. The rod creaks but nothing happens. So much for being a detective. Then I push up. Something clicks and the top falls, making a loud thud.
There's a circular hole in the top and I reach up and feel around with my hands. My fingers brush against something cold and hard. I clutch it and pull it out.

It's a gun. A fucking gun. What the hell is a gun doing here?! I decide to question Aiden about this too, when he wakes up. I put the gun in my backpack and shut the compartment again.

I walk back to Johnathan's bedroom and find Aiden stirring. Holy cow he's waking up.

And yeah, I say holy cow cuz I'm Indian-Canadian. Deal with it.

He groans and removes the pack of now not-so-frozen peas from his face. Slowly sitting up, he opens his eyes and scans the room. His eyes rest on me and narrow scarily. His hazel eyes darken and damn does he look pissed.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"

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