"We are going to meet your Mom?" Wad asks, "She is here?"

"Her and Dad are both here," I say, "Did my mom tell you she was coming? You talked to her last." She talks to Wad more than she talks to me nowadays.

"She didn't mention it," Wad sits down beside me, "Did you tell her about the court date?" I shake my head.

"I meant to," I explain, "But I got busy and forgot."

"Boys?" Wad's mom calls from the front of the house. "Are you here?"

"Yes," Wad says, standing up, "Come on. Let's go see Mom."

Walking into the front room, Wad's mom is putting down a box. "Mom," I scold, "Why didn't you call one of us to carry that?"

"It was a last-minute delivery to the shop as I was walking out. I was too lazy to take it back to the shop when the messenger gave it to me and besides I wanted to see my boys. Don't worry. It wasn't that heavy," she laughs, "Come here and give me a hug." Wad walks over and hugs his mom first before I do. "Have your parents called N'Prem?"

"You know they are in town?" I ask.

"Of course," Wad's mom laughs, "They know about the court date. Did you think they wouldn't be here to support Wad and you?"

"We didn't know," Wad says. Wad's mom must have told my parents about the date of the trial. But I am happy knowing that my parents care enough about Wad to be here for him, not that I didn't think they loved Wad. Although I wish they didn't have to hear all the gory details of what he went through.

"Did they call and say where we are eating?" Wad's mom asks. I see she already knows we are eating out with them. I wonder if my mom and her talk every day, and if one day, Wad and I will be told to show up to a wedding, our mom's both planned without our knowledge. It wouldn't surprise Wad or me.

"Yes, Mom," Wad answers, grinning at me. I guess we are both thinking the same thing. "Prem, will you call a taxi for us?"

"Will do," I smile, pulling out my phone.

Wad's POV

Getting out of the shower, I wipe the mirror so I can see myself and sigh. I turn so I can see my back. I look at the scars as I trace one. I knew this day was coming, and I am glad it finally is here, but I feel like I can't breathe. The sense of panic that began yesterday, when Prem and I stepped off the bus, is starting to overwhelm me. Prem didn't say anything this morning, but I am sure I had nightmares last night. I think they have been getting worse as the court date approached.

"Wad?" Prem calls from the other side of the door. "Are you ok?" The concern in his voice warms my heart. I don't know how I would have survived if he wasn't here with me. The door opens, and Prem looks at me before he comes over, wrapping his arms around me.

"You won't be alone," Prem breathes into my hair. "I will be with you every step of the way. My parents and your mom will be there."

"I know," I mumble against his shoulder. "I just wish..." I trail off. Wish what? Wish it never happened? But if it never happened, would I be with Prem? This person is like my reward for surviving this. Not having him in my life is something I can't even fathom.

"Son," Mom calls, and she walks into view. "No time for that, you two. We need to hurry." I gape at my mom and can feel Prem laugh. How could she think we were doing that now? I am so embarrassed. Prem kisses my cheek before he leaves me to get dressed. I can get through this. I am not alone. I put my bracelet on, and I run my fingers across the engraved word.

"Always," I sigh. "I can do this."

Looking around to see if I have left anything, I sigh. It is the same room I came to after that day, and all the days after that, I endured by myself, but now, when I am here, Prem is here with me.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now