My Confusion

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Aim's POV

"Ai'Aim, what the hell?" Oak whines. "You died. Are you even paying attention to the game? That is the third time you have died."

Looking over at Oak, I give him a sheepish grin. He is right; I am not paying attention. I was still trying to figure out what was going on today before lunch. Kong, Wad, and Tew had joined us at lunch after at the Communication Faculty to eat. When the three involved in "The Senior Kidnapping Incident," as Maprang is calling it, returned, they just joined us as if nothing strange had happened. I kept giving Maprang the "Ask Them" look, but she mouthed "No." and continued eating. I didn't want to ask, so I just kept looking from Kong to Wad to Tew, hoping my stares would be enough to make them spill. It didn't.

Oak punches me in the shoulder. "Ai'Aim, are you fvcking even listening to me? I started a new game, and you are already are dead! What is your problem tonight? Girl trouble?" Oak wiggles his eyebrows up and down.

"It is not that," I say as I shove him back.

"Then what?" Oak asks as he pushes his glasses up.

"Why do you think the seniors took Ai'Wad, Ai'Tew, and Ai'Kong?" I look at him, hoping I will finally get the answers I need.

"That is what you are thinking about?" Oak gapes at me. "Seriously?"

"Ok," I turn and face him. I look around the room and check to see if the door and windows are closed before I continue. P'Arthit did promise harm if I talked about this, and that guy has a habit of being around when I do something I shouldn't. It is like he has an Aim Screw-Up Radar or something, and he just plain scares the hell out of me.

"OK, WHAT?" Oak jabs me again.

"Stop that!" I shout, rubbing my arm. " I was checking!"

"Checking for what?" He asks, looking around his room.

"P'Arthit!" I say like it is obvious. "Never mind. We know that P'Prem told Wad he loves him."

Oak leaps across and places both hands over my mouth, "Are you crazy? P'Arthit says we heard nothing and saw nothing! Do you want to die?"

I shove him off me, "Of course, I don't want to die! Why do you think I checked the room first, idiot!"

Oak nods before he adds, "I am not saying what I remember, but I remember. So yeah. What does that have to do with today?"

"Well, with what we know," I begin to explain my theory or at least my confusion. "Shouldn't P'Prem have asked for Ai'Wad? But P'Arthit asked for him, and P'Prem asked for Ai'Kong. That night both of them were there, and Ai'Kong called P'Arthit about Ai'Wad, not P'Prem. Why was P'Arthit called? Does P'Arthit like Ai'Wad, and that is why he called him? I mean, I know I was about to pass out when we were there this afternoon, but I did see how P'Prem was looking at P'Arthit. He looked like he wanted to murder P'Arthit. Are they fighting over Ai'Wad?"

"You got all that from this afternoon?" Oak scratches his head. "How? But if P'Prem likes you know who why did he ask for Ai'Kong?"

"I don't know. But remember, Ai'Kong was not worried about P'Prem being alone with Ai'Wad. But why did Ai'Kong go ape shit when P'Arthit said he was in P'Prem's dorm? Was it because he was trying to help P'Arthit get with Ai'Wad and was mad because P'Prem found out that night? I mean, I remember P'Arthit was giving Ai'Kong the cold shoulder. Did he do that because he missed his chance with Ai'Wad and was mad at Ai'Kong?"

"So you think today, P'Arthit was trying to get Ai'Wad back," Oak states. "But that doesn't explain why P'Prem asked for Ai'Kong. It is not like he did it after P'Arthit asked for Ai'Wad. All three of them spoke at the same time. And that reminds me. Why did P'Knott want to talk to Ai'Tew?"

"I am having a hard enough time trying to figure out about the others," I snort. "I can't add another pair to this mess. Besides, if it is those two, it is probably about something to do with the class. Ai'Tew is the class president."

"I really don't want to think about it all," Oak whines. "Seriously, a love triangle with the two scariest hazers and our scary friend. That has to be something out of one of those BL novels my sister loves to read."

"Yeah," I laugh. "All we need is it to be a love square with Ai'Kong being the unrequited love with P'Arthit. You know the "I argue with you because I love you, but you love someone else, so I will help you because your happiness is all that matters" storyline. That would probably make your sister squeal."

Oak begins laughing, "Oh, then we can add a new awkward couple. Ai'Tew and P'Knott! The quiet senior who just realized how cute the shy junior is."

Oak and I look at each other and die laughing. After a while, I wipe the tears from my eyes from having laughed so hard.

"Should we play another game," I ask, looking at our notebooks on the table. "Or should we do our assignment?"

"Assignment," Oak sighs. "I don't know if Ai'Kong will let us copy tomorrow."

Nodding at Oak, I get up and head to the table. "Oh, don't tell the girls what we talked about. I don't want to have to deal with Maprang."

"I am not crazy," he says as he rolls his eyes.

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#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now