I Am Still Here With You

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Knott's POV

OK. Dinner. Check. Figurines. Check. Movie. Check. Tew. Where the hell is he? I sent him a text an hour ago, and he still hasn't shown up. Should I go up to his dorm and see if he is there? Grabbing my keys, I head out.

Looking at my messages to Tew, I wait for the elevator to arrive. They don't even say read. What is going on? I hear the doors slide open and look up. Tew stands there with a bloody lip and a cut under his left eye. What the hell?

"Tew!" I shout, "What the hell happened?" He collapses into my arms. Picking him, I carry him to my dorm bridal style. It is a good thing he has passed out. He would be fussing the whole way if he knew I was carrying him like this.

I lay him on the bed and go to get my first aid kit from the bathroom. Well, this is not how I envisioned Valentine's Day to be. Who the hell did he fight with? Sitting next to him, I put some antiseptic on a cotton swab and dab the cut under his eye before I put a bandaid on it and tend his split lip. I am cleaning up when I hear him stir on the bed.

"P'Knott," Tew mumbles, trying to sit up.

"Hey, just lay down," I comfort, "Who did this?"

"Who do you think?" Tew grumbles, feeling his cheek. "That idiot Ai'West cornered me leaving the festival."

"That son of a bitch!" I growl, "I am going to kill him!" Tew grabs my hand when I go to stand up.

"I think I finally got the message across this time," Tew smiles and hisses when the split in his lip begins to bleed again.

"Hang on," I say, opening the kit again. "I can't believe this happened today of all days."

"It is fine," Tew touches my cheek, "In the end, I am still here with you, and that is all that counts."

I hate when he gives me the puppy look. I have no defense against it. I still want to track down N'West and pummel him. We told him yesterday that he didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Tew," I smile, "Drop the P when it is just us, ok?" He blushes when I ask and begins looking around my room. He stops when he sees the table set for two, and I laugh when I hear his stomach rumble.

"Come on," I laugh, "I kept it warm." I go over to the kitchenette to get the food.

"Happy Valent... P'!" I hear Tew exclaim behind me.

"I told you to drop the P'," I say, turning and find him by the dresser drooling over the figurines I bought for him. He looks from me and back to them before he runs over and jumps into my arms. Good thing I set that plate down. He wraps his legs around my waist, and I balance his weight on my hips as he begins peppering my face with kisses.

"Where did you find them?" Tew asks between kisses, "I have looked everywhere!"

"I had a friend who collected them," I explain, trying not to laugh, "He had stopped and was getting rid of them. He let me buy them. I guess you are not disappointed."

"Disappointed?" Tew grins, "I have the best boyfriend in the world!" He stops and looks at me, and kisses my forehead. "I love you," he says before he kisses my nose, "Today," my cheek, "Tomorrow," my other cheek, "For..." I cut him off by capturing his lips with mine and lean him against the closet as I deepen the kiss. I pull back breathless.

"Me, too," I smile, peppering his face with light kisses, and we both look down when his stomach growls again. "Let's eat before you starve to death." I place him back on the floor, and he wraps his arms around me when I turn my back.

" I place him back on the floor, and he wraps his arms around me when I turn my back

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#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now