Not Ready

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Bright's POV

"Next," I wave the next person up. Today hasn't been a repeat of my first time in the booth. I don't think I have seen one girl I have dated the entire time. Maybe they all showed up on Monday. Contrary to what my friends believe, I do remember who I date. I am not that shallow.

"How many tickets?" I ask, holding out my hand.

"Two," the person in front of me says, and I look up.

"You!" I gasp.

"You!′ Kammon laughs. "Seriously, is that what you are going to say every time you see me? Should I change my name to You?"

"W-Why are you here?" I stutter.

Kammon holds up the two tickets smiling, "I bought tickets."

"What about your killer cousin?" I question.

"Oh, they went off with some friends," Kammon explains, "I was only there to run interference. Someone didn't show up like they were supposed to do," Kammon frowns, "I feel sorry for them since I am pretty sure they will die for ditching my cousin."

"I see," I nod. "Why two tickets?"

"Simple," Kammon gives me a wicked grin, "One for you to kiss me and one for me to kiss you."

"K-K-Kiss you," I stammer. "Why?"

Kammon crooks a finger, and I lean closer, "Just in case you don't know. You are in a Kissing Booth."

"I know that!" I bark, straightening up. "Why do you want to kiss me is what I wanted to know?"

"Fine," Kammon places the tickets down and begins to walk off.

"Wait," I grab Kammon's arm. "Sorry. Come here." I lean over and kiss Kammon on the cheek and turn mine so Kammon can kiss mine. "Well?" I goad when I don't receive a kiss. I turn to look at Kammon, and I am stunned when I receive a kiss on the lips.

"You!" I shout.

"I really should change my name!" Kammon laughs, running off. "Oh, and when are you going to test out calling my name to see if I will appear. I was disappointed you haven't. See you, P'Bright!"

I touch my lips, watching Kammon run away.

"Can I kiss you on the lips, too?" A girl who puts down her ticket asks.

"I am sorry that is not allowed," a senior comes up frowning. "Are you ok, N'Bright? Sorry, I didn't think that would happen, or I would have stopped it."

"You and me both," I mumble, "I am fine. I just wasn't expecting that."

"Ok," the senior says, patting me on the back, "You only have ten more minutes, and you are done." He turns and looks at the girl. "Cheek only, or you will be banned." The girl nods, and I turn my cheek for her to kiss.

"Thank you," I tell her and look in the direction Kammon disappeared. "What was up with that?" I ask no one.

Aim's POV

May is glaring at me. What did I do that was so wrong? It is not mine!!

"Why did you buy this?" May asks, looking at the box in her hands.

"I didn't!" I say louder than I probably should have. I can't believe this. I promise to kill whoever put that in my bag. P'Bright comes to mind first. "I don't think of you like that!"

"You don't think of me like that?" May asks. "Then why are we dating?"

"Huh?′ I am confused. I look at the box in May's hands and back at her. "Y-Y-You don't want to use those? Do you?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now