Who He Belongs To

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Time reference: Beginning of Episode 13 before P'Tum's and P'Fon's Wedding, in my head, that episode started on Thursday. No clue why.
Sometimes I wish I had an outline of the book and the show. :)

@Flakes80 Thanks for encouraging me!

Wad's POV

"Thanks for listening, Ai'Wad." Kongpop picks up his backpack. "I need to head back, and besides, your phone has been going crazy. I am sure P'Prem wants to go to sleep."

"Why would you say that, Ai'Kong?" I deflect when I catch him grinning at me when yet another notification dings on my phone. "Alright. Alright. I get it. Stop laughing."

After he leaves, I stand there glaring at my phone. He messaged me that he had a project he was working on and wouldn't be coming by tonight. He had not slept over for a couple of days now. No matter what Ai'Kong might be thinking.

Right when I go to pick up my phone, it begins to ring again. "What the hell, P'Prem!" I yell at the moron who has been calling relentlessly for thirty minutes. Yes, I had ignored his calls for thirty minutes. The shirt thing was embarrassing enough. I couldn't imagine having a conversation with P'Prem in front of Ai'Kong.

"Ummm, Ai'Wad," Kongpop says quietly.

"Kongpop?" I pull back my phone and look at the screen. Shit! It's Kongpop calling. "Sorry, Ai'Kong. I thought you were P'Prem."

"I think you should come down to the lobby," Kongpop whispers into the phone.

"OK, I'm coming. Be right there," I say, grabbing my keys. Why the hell was he whispering, and why do I need to go to the lobby?

The elevator doors open in the lobby, and I can see Kongpop talking to a security guard. What is going on?

"Hey, Ai'Kong. What is the matter?" I call, looking between my friend and the security guard. Both of them glance down in reply.

Following their gaze, I find a sleeping P'Prem leaning against the wall. Well, hell! Why is he sleeping here? I lean down to wake him, but that's when the smell hits me. Is he drunk?

I look at my phone and check the missed calls. All the missed calls on my phone are from an unknown number which I assume belongs to the security guard. Shit!

"I am sorry I didn't answer your calls," I say as I wai the security guard. "I will take my friend. I apologize for him causing you trouble." The security guard smiles at me. Just smiles. Weird.

"I will help you, Ai'Wad. There is no way you can get him to your room by yourself." Kongpop tells me, going to P'Prem's other side to help me lift him. Between the two of us, we get him standing. This is going to be fun. Why is he such a giant?

I apologize once again to the security guard, and we begin walking to the elevator. If I weren't so embarrassed and pissed, I would find it funny. It is like taking part in a horrible three-legged race. The security guard is kind enough to call the elevator and punch the button for my floor for me.

Before the door closes, the security guard smiles and says, "He really wanted me to know who he belonged to."

I gape at the closed doors. "Who he belonged to?" I repeat, stunned.

I look at P'Prem, then at Kongpop, only to find him staring at the other corner of the elevator, trying not to laugh.

"You better not laugh," I hiss, trying to give him a menacing look, but I can't. I can feel the smile on my face and the warmth spread on my cheeks. Why the hell am I blushing? I am not a damn girl.

Finally, we make it back to my room and get P'Prem on my bed. Both of us look at him sprawled out on my bed. He seems to be mumbling to himself.

"Why do you think he is drunk on a weekday?" Kongpop asks. "Did he tell you he was going out drinking?" He pauses for a moment before he continues. "Are you mad?"

"Don't know. No. And don't know yet," I say, answering all three questions. "Thanks, Ai'Kong. I think I can take it from here. It is late, and you need to get back to your dorm."

"See you tomorrow." Kongpop nods and once again picks up his backpack and leaves.

"Hey, wake up. You need to get showered and changed. You stink," I tell him as I jostle P'Prem's leg. I pull on his arm to get him to sit up. "Wake up, P'Prem! P'Prem, damn it, wake the fvck up!" Screw being polite. I am pissed.

"I need to see Wad. My Wad. Can you take me to Wad? I need Wad," I listen to P'Prem muttering as I am trying to remove his shirt. He is making it very hard to stay mad at him. I let him lay back down once I finally get his shirt off. I stop a moment, looking at his pants.

"OK, Wad, you have seen him in his boxers. We are both guys. You have showered with guys in gym class. It is just a pair of pants," I say out loud as I try to gather my courage. "Why is it so warm in here?"

Just as I am about to unbutton his pants, P'Prem sits up, startling me. I freeze, trying to determine if he is awake enough to know what is going on. Then I get out of the way as I realize what is coming.

P'Prem shoots up from the bed and runs to the bathroom. I listen to him as he empties the contents of his stomach. Going to the closet, I get him a towel and a change of clothes before standing by the bathroom door.

As he walks out the door, I hand them to him. "Turn around. You are not coming to bed until you have showered and changed. You stink," I growl.

He nods and goes back in. Shortly, I hear the shower start. Realizing I had yet to shower, I go and gather my things and wait for P'Prem to finish. Why is he drunk on a weekday? Who was he with? Why didn't he tell me he was going drinking? I am frowning at the door when he walks out, drying his hair.

"I can explain," he begins as I walk by him to go into the bathroom.

"Not now," I say, closing the door behind me.

1043 3-14-19
12-7-19 Edited by Anon123mous

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now