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Tutah's POV

Propping my chin on my hand, I watch as my boyfriend mutters to himself. He is working on a project for class, and even though I have offered to help him, he has refused to let me. I smile when he scrunches his brows together in frustration. This project, I remember well. It was a pain in the ass when we had to do it. The only way I finished was because P'Dear came and helped me. Otherwise, I would have failed the project altogether.

"Why won't you let me help you?" I ask, drumming my fingers on my cheek. Maybe I should shave? When was the last time I was clean-shaven? Stay on task, Tutah. Boyfriend. Project.

"Because," N'Jett mumbles. Nice answer.

"Are you mad at me?" I stand up and walk over to the table, grabbing his chin so he is looking at me. He averts his eyes. "You are!"

"Am not!" Jett huffs. "I am just frustrated!"

"That is why I said I would help," I sass, putting my hand on my hip. "But you won't let me!" Sometimes Jett can be a sulky child. He might tower over me, but at times like this, he shows his age.

"I am not frustrated about the project," Jett runs his hands through his hair, "Well, I am. It is fvcking annoying; it is not working as it should. But I am more frustrated with us."

"Us?" I choke. Here it comes. He finally realizes he can be dating someone better.

"Yes," Jett looks at me, "Why don't you want to go farther? Do you not find me attractive enough to want to go all the way?"

There are times when I realize I have hung around Bright way too long. And this is one of those times. I close my eyes, trying to find a way to apologize to Jett for smacking him on the head.

"I am not P'Bright," Jett growls, and I laugh.

"Sorry," I shrug, "That is sort of a conditioned response to when someone says something stupid!" I grin when he snorts, "Why wouldn't I want to go all the way with you? You are my boyfriend, Jett." I watch as his face pinks. He still isn't used to me calling him just Jett.

"Then why do you seem to stop the momentum when we are... you know," Jett asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Because I get all up in my head and let my thoughts take control," I grumble.

"But you have been with other guys," Jett points out.

"Guys that I would never have to face in the morning," I groan, "Much less the rest of my life."

"Rest of your life?" Jett repeats. I swear if he had a tail, it would be wagging like crazy right now. I just nod.

I can't believe I let that slip and to slip right now during this conversation. Yes, I think he is my forever guy, but I didn't want to put this pressure on him. Maybe in a year or so, but not now.

"You think that too?" Jett steps closer. HUH! I look up.

"Too?" I gasp. "What do you mean too?"

"I want you to meet my parents," Jett grins. "I want them to know you. And..."

"And?" I push.

"I want to meet your parents," Jett says quickly. I blink. Whoa! Umm... Yeah. Wow!

"Isn't it a bit too soon for the whole meet the parents' bit?" I ask, turning away from Jett, going to the fridge for something to drink. Too bad there is only water in there.

"No," Jett states, "I understand why some people might hold off, but both of our parents know we like guys. So bringing you home is no different than any other guy introducing their girlfriend to their folks."

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now