Hoodie and Boxers

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Knott's POV

Who knew our third year would be like this? I smile, watching Tutah chase Bright around the table for some remark. Prem explained to us what is going on now. And we all agreed that this was probably being done to keep N'Wad from testifying. The people threatening us don't realize who they are messing with and think that this will scare us into silence. They are mistaken.

Tutah sits down, panting after catching Bright. I laugh when I see Bright's hair.

"Why do you always mess up my hair?" Bright growls, sitting down beside Tutah.

"Because I know it will piss you off," Tutah grins. "And..." I look over when Tutah stops. Kammon is standing in front of Bright. From the way he is dressed, he came from his dorm and not from a late class. Isn't that Bright's hoodie, and are those boxers? Could they be Bright's?

"Explain to me why I had to drag my ass back up to campus?" Kammon demands, crossing his arms as he glares at Bright. "I had just gotten all comfy to watch my drama!" And here I thought my Tew had a bite. If Tew has a bite, it would be just a nip compared to what Kammon is going to dish out to Bright. Maybe Tutah should start planning his funeral.

"They are all here to pick up their nongs," Bright explains, pointing at us. Why is he dragging us into this?

"Leave me out of this," Arthit tells Bright, "If he is going to kill people, I don't want to be a target. We are on someone's hit list already." I nod, agreeing with Arthit.

"Not funny, Ai'Arthit," Prem grumbles.

"That is because they are still in class," Kammon snaps, "I am not! I don't need to be picked up since I was already at my dorm!"

"What is so bad with wanting to have my nong here to pick up?" Bright pouts. "I wanted to have a nong to pick up, too."

"Yeah," A voice says behind us, "It would be a shame if you didn't have a nong here you could pick up." Turning around, we see the first years standing there. N'May tries to stop N'Aim when he storms off, but he shakes her off.

"P'Bright!" N'May turns, stomping her foot. Tutah should most definitely start planning that funeral.

"Oh, shit," Bright looks at us.

"Good luck with that," Arthit says, standing up, "Come on, Kongpop. I am starving." N'Kongpop looks at his friends before he follows behind his boyfriend. Walking past Bright, he shakes his head. I catch myself shaking my head with N'Kongpop.

"N'Wad, let's go," Prem calls and waits for N'Wad to walk over to him. He takes N'Wad's backpack, heading off in the direction of their dorm without another word.

Tutah and I stand up at the same time as N'Tew and N'Jett come to stand beside us.

"N'May," I call, "N'Tew, and I will send you home. N'Prae, do you want to go with us?"

"No, P'Knott," N'Prae smiles, linking her arms with N'Maprang and N'Oak. "I am going with these two." N'Maprang smiles, whereas N'Oak rolls his eyes at the news.

"Ok," I say, taking N'Tew's backpack, "Let's go, N'May."

N'May looks back to where N'Aim disappeared before she walks over to me. Passing Bright, she glares at him making him shrink back. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we call her the Tiny Terror. I don't know how Bright will get on her good side or patch things up with N'Aim. I wish him luck.

N'Jett huffs at Bright before he grabs Tutah's hand dragging him off. We follow behind them. Bright will have to get all of the first years to forgive him at this rate.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now