Part Of Me Just Broke

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Prem's POV

I am waiting for Wad outside his dorm since I promised him I would take him to the hospital to get his stitches removed. I plan to take him out for lunch while we are in that area. It is pretty far from our university so we can eat without worrying about people spotting us. Two people specifically. They have an annoying habit of popping up out of nowhere.

I still can't believe what I did the other night. I showed up to class Friday with a hangover for the sole purpose of killing two of my friends, only to find out they had bunked the class. P'Tum's and P'Fon's wedding is tonight, and Ai'Tutah is the MC, so I know he won't skip out on it. There will be free food and booze, so that is a guarantee Ai'Bright will be there also. Tonight is my chance to exact my revenge on those two assholes for getting me drunk.

"Hey," Wad says as he walks up to my car.

"Hey," I smile, opening the door for him to get in. When he doesn't get in, I look at him. He is giving me an "I am NOT a girl" face. I shrug before leaving the door open and going to get in on my side and mentally facepalming myself for what I just did.

After Wad gets in, I start the car. It is a half-hour drive usually, but I am worried about traffic, which explains why we are leaving so early.

Turning to tell Wad he can to pick the music, only to find him staring at me. I glance into the rearview mirror to check my face to see if I have something on it. When I find nothing, I raise an eyebrow at Wad.

"What?" I ask, becoming a little uncomfortable.

"What plans do you have tonight? When you told me you would take me to the hospital today, you said you had plans for the evening. So what plans?" He crosses his arms and has the tiniest of pouts. Does he know he is pouting? Why is he so cute? Don't smile, Prem!!

"P'Tum's and P'Fon's wedding," I quickly explain, "P'Tum was my Head Hazer my freshman year, and P'Fon was part of the hazing team. I am helping to take photos of the wedding." I don't want him to think I am just going out to get drunk like last Thursday.

"I am going with the guys," I add.

He nods as he plugs in his phone and starts looking through his playlist. We spend the drive just listening to music.

Thankfully, we arrived at the hospital and didn't have to wait long for his name to be called

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Thankfully, we arrived at the hospital and didn't have to wait long for his name to be called. I decided to hang out in the hallway to allow him some privacy. He seemed to be uncomfortable with me in the room.

After about fifteen minutes, the doctor and the nurse walk out of the examination room. I wai them and then enter the room they just left. I look at Wad. His back is to me, and he has yet to put his shirt on. What I see takes my breath away.

What the hell! How did he get those? Who the fvck did that to my Wad? Across his back, there is a crisscross of scars. Some deep. Some shallow. Different shapes and sizes. I quickly walk out of the room before he knows I am there. Leaning against the wall for support, I try to get my shit together before he comes out the door.

Thinking back to my time that I stayed over with him, and I try to remember if I had ever seen his naked back or not. When I came back with porridge, he walked out with only a towel but quickly covered his chest. I turned my back on him while he dressed. Now that I think of it, that was the only time I saw that much of him. Did I see any scars on his chest? I can't remember. Is this is why he only let us make out to a point? How am I going to ask about this?

He walks out of the door and smiles at me. "You promised to take me to lunch. Let's go. I am starving."

I nod my head since words are failing me right now. He starts down the hall. Slowly, I follow behind him, looking at his back. My hand goes to my chest as I can feel that a part of me just broke.

Arthit's POV

I wake later than usual for a Saturday. Sleep which had always been my friend, seems to be angry with me. Just like everyone else in my life right now. The last time I had looked at the clock last night, it read 3:48 am. Rolling over, I watch as my clock changes from 1:59 to 2:00.

Sighing, I sit up and look across my room at the suit I had made sure was pressed for this evening. Will he be there? That other voice in my head that still won't shut up chimes in, "Why do you care?" I hate that voice.

Yesterday, Knott had cornered me after lab. I knew it would happen, but I was hoping he would have forgotten the "we need to talk" discussion he brought up a few days ago. But he is Papa Knott, and right now, he seems upset with me. So like a bad child, I get to have a "talk" with papa. Not that I told him anything. I think back on the conversation and how he reacted. I probably should have.


"Ai'Oon, what is going on with you and 0062?" Knott demands. Just like Knott to get straight to the point.

"Nothing really," I mumble, scuffing my foot on the floor. "He just told me something. You know how he is always running his mouth." I shrug as I look at him. Please be good with that. I don't want to talk about it.

"That's it? What did he say, Ai'Oon?" Knott asks, running his hand through his hair before he begins to pace. Shit! Knott is pacing.

"Well...ummm...he...," I can't say it out. "He was just annoying, Ai'Knott. Like he always is. Nothing new. Just same old stuff." That is true to an extent. I mean, he did say he would make me his wife since the beginning of hazing.

Knott is staring at me, and I watch as the muscle in his jaw twitches. He begins to say something and turns around. He turns back to say something again and turns away again. Have I ever seen him this worked up?

"Fine," Knott snarls as he grabs his books and walks out. "I am done with you two idiots!′

He leaves me staring at the opened door he just stormed through. Two? Shit, I hope he is not talking to Kongpop too. And good job, Arthit! You pissed off Knott. Proud of yourself?

"Shut up right now," I scream out loud at that annoying voice in my head. At that moment, a group of second years is coming into the lab chatting. All of them stopped talking and wai me as they scatter to the other side of the room. Shit!

Grabbing my bag, I leave. I hope Knott doesn't stay mad at me for long. Maybe I should have just come clean, but I am so afraid of what he will think of me knowing about this.


My stomach grumbles, making me realize I hadn't eaten since yesterday. I grab my wallet and head down to the food stall to get lunch. I have been going to the same food stall near my dorm since freshman year. I don't care that I am leaving without washing up or that I am in my sleep clothes. Who is going to see me?

I order my precious pink milk from Aunty before I head over to order my lunch.

"Chicken Basil with rice," I say. I don't even know why I have to tell them. They know I always order the same thing.

The Aunty calls out an order, and I see a tan arm reach for it. Turning, I see Kongpop standing next to me. He is in a white henley and light blue shorts with his hair neat. He is the exact opposite of me. I am about to say something, but he grabs his food and turns away from me, leaving me stunned. Did he just ignore me? Me? His senior? His Head Hazer? He ignored me!

I am going to call out to him when I realize I can't. I shouldn't. He had just given me what I wanted. But still, I want to say his name. It only comes out as a whisper as I watch his retreating back. Somewhere I feel like a part of me just broke.

The Aunty calls out my order making me jump. I get it and my pink milk before heading back to my dorm. Suddenly not in the mood to eat.

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#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now