Niall was the one preparing the buffet and I have to say I was very worried he would eat most of it before the guests arrived. However, he didn't really touch anything from the buffet but he did make two large pizzas for himself and only. He didn't even ask me if I need a slice. That man will hardly find a woman.

"Nobody enters my room! I will stick up a sign too because these mother fuckers will be drunk as hell." Niall muttered to himself as he walked out of the living room, carrying a box of napkins in his arms.

Just then, the doorbell rang. I went over to open the door, seeing Harry and Thomas behind it. "Thank God you're here, Niall is such a bitch." I sighed, earning their laughter.

"I heard you!" Niall shouted from the kitchen, making me shake my head in amusement.

"Sorry we're late, I had to change tires." Harry said, sweetly leaning in and kissing my forehead.

"It's okay," I assured, kissing his lips softly.

"I'll puke and I'm not even drunk." Thomas teased, walking past us into the house.

Harry rolled his eyes, his arm wrapping around my waist and holding me to him as we got back inside. The smell of cake filled the air and my stomach grumbled. I seriously can not wait till the guests come and I get to eat everything Niall has been preparing all this time.

"Zayn's still out?" Thomas asked, throwing off his jacket at the couch.

"He texted me he's on his way!" Niall replied from the kitchen.

"I got your cups in the car, Niall." Harry said, squeezing my hip gently before he let go of me and went to join Niall in the kitchen.

"Bring them in you fool!" Niall yelled, making us laugh as Harry ran down the hallway and left the house to get the cups.

"Erika texted me happy birthday and shit." Thomas informed me, carelessly gazing outside the window.

"At least she wished you." I chirped, pressing my lips together.

I have been completely distant with Erika the past months. Not only because she did cheat on my best friend, but because she also lied and tried to come up with pathetic excuses to cover herself up when she could easily just admit she was careless about the promise she made. Thankfully, my garden looks amazing, with Harry's and Thomas' help I managed to fix everything quickly.

"Yeah, she gave me horns, the least she could do was wish me." He chuckled humorlessly.

Niall walked in the living room, wearing a red apron and red baker gloves. "I have to tell you something that you probably won't like." he said cautiously, staring at Thomas with a shy smile.


"I kinda invited Erika-,"

"What?!" Thomas shrieked, glaring at Niall.

"Why would you invite her?" I asked, staring strangely at Niall.

"Well, I didn't really invite her - she invited herself! She told me she got you a nice present and she wants to be there when you blow the candles." Niall rushed the words, moving his gands frantically.

"Well, blow me, she can't come." Thomas stated angrily, standing up

"I can't tell her not to. She was very hopeful I would agree." Niall reasoned.

Thomas looked at me for help and I shook my head, "Hell no, I'm not calling her." I stated firmly.

Thomas sighed out of frustration and grabbed the glass of water from the table before smashing it against the wall. I jumped at the sudden action while Niall just looked guilty and pissed at the same time. Harry walked in right then, carrying the bags of cups, his green eyes landing on the wet wall and the smashed pieces of glass on the ground before he looked at us expectingly.

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