Chapter 2

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~•~ Chapter 2 ~•~

"Well, that looks good, doesn't it?" Erica questioned, placing the vase of flowers on the kitchen table, smiling softly.

I nod, liking the way the colorful flowers add up to the pale colors of the house. "Yes, they are beautiful." I was sitting on the couch, holding my glass of fresh orange juice in my hands. It was a beautiful day and after I was done working out with Niall I decided to visit Erica for a while. She and Thomas both live in the same house, while Zayn, Niall, Liam and Louis all live together and you obviously imagine how messy the house gets every once in a while.

"Thanks for bringing them," she walked over to the couch and took a seat next to me. "How did it go today?" she asked, her long brown hair falling on her shoulders.

"Good, good, what did you do?"

"Oh nothing, just chilling and staring at the beach all the time, I seriously think I should start working out like you guys because I have nothing else to do." she groaned, shrugging.

"Why don't we go to the beach then? The boys are there, we could tan a little more and enjoy their company. We have obviously nothing else to do here." I suggest before drinking the rest of the juice that was in my glass.

"Okay, I'm gonna put my bikini on, do you want me to give you one?" she asked, hopping up on her feet.

"No thanks, I have mine always in my bag." I assure, pointing at my bag next to me.

"Okay, I'll be right back, gonna get a few towels and we're ready to go." she urged, rushing to the stairs to get to her bedroom. I grabbed my bag and headed to the bathroom to change into my bikini. I have to say, my body has never been looking this good. My tan is amazing and makes my green eyes grow bright. My blonde hair have grown a lot and I seriously don't want to cut it at all. My abs are showing and my legs are toned yet slim.

I kept admiring at my body for a couple more minutes before there were knocks on the door, "You ready?" Erica asked from the other side.

"Yes," I swiftly put my shorts and tee on before rushing out the bathroom.

Minutes later we were heading down the beach, seeing almost every familiar face on the road. Everyone looked so happy and calm, it was such a satisfying feeling. I could make out Harry's long curls as he ran with a soccer ball between his feet, his tone torso and buff shoulders swaying as he passed through Niall and Zayn with swift easy moves. I couldn't help but feel my stomach knot at how incredibly hot he looked. His tan skin showed off more of his tattoos, which was even more appealing.

Louis suddenly kicked the ball too hard, sending it towards our way, making all of them turn to look towards our direction. Erica bent down and picked the ball, earning smiles from the boys, "Don't hurt yourself, babe." Louis teased, earning a hard nudge from Thomas.

"Don't call her babe." he warned, seeming pissed.

"Chill man she's yours." Louis chuckled, shrugging.

Harry's eyes met mine and our lips formed into a smile simultaneously. He wasted no time to rush towards me and kiss me softly, having my insides melt. I could never get enough of that feeling, I swear.

"Are you girls going to play along?" Niall suggested, resting his hands on his hips, panting slightly. They were all sweaty yet looking great. How the hell can they do that? If I play in the sun for this long I would look like I'm about to pass out.

"I'm not into football," Erica argued, shaking her head before throwing the ball at Louis.

"Beach volley it is." Thomas challenged, smirking at her with an adoring grin.

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