Chapter 19

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Then I spill this blood for you..

~•~ Chapter 19 ~•~

I slouched down on the edge of the bed with a sigh, my hair tie loose on the back of my head. I freed my hair and gently massaged my scalp, feeling the soothing movements of my fingers. Thomas was lying down on the double bed across from me, playing with a bulletcase in his hands, while Zayn was sitting on a chair next to the window, staring outside. Harry was downstairs, checking up everything for the last time.

The bedroom we were at had two double beds and pillows stuffed in the wardrobes. Me, Harry, Thomas and Zayn would sleep in here, while in the other bedroom the rest of the boys were going to spend the night, except from Ed and Cole, whom Harry ordered to sleep in the living room. 

Thankfully, the cabin was still in a better shape than I expected. Electricity and water is fine, it's not so dirty, mostly dust, not a hint of blood or mud or anything disgusting. It's just like any other place that has to be visited for a long time. I suppose zombies didn't find a way to get inside.

“Why should I sleep next to the door?!” Liam groaned from the other room.

“Because if anyone comes to kill us you'll go first!” Louis explained, making Niall and Ashton laugh.

Zayn snorted, shaking his head, “How long now?" he asked, looking over at us, his head leaning against the wall.

“Uh, 23 minutes,” Thomas replied, looking at his watch, a playful smirk on his lips. “And still going.”

“They won't shut up if Harry doesn't go in there, you know that right?” I chuckled, finding it amusing that Louis and Liam have been fighting for the bed for all this time.

Zayn let a small laugh, “Let them, they're fun to hear.”

“No, they're not, they're starting to get on my nerves.” Thomas argued gently, shaking his head. You could see the boredom and tiredness in his eyes.

“I don't care how long they fight as long as when I get to sleep they shut up.” I shrugged, taking my boots off, my feet instantly feeling lighter. Damn, I better put my sneakers tomorrow, these things are actually making me heavier. I had changed clothes earlier in the bathroom but I didn't want to step on the dirty floor with my socks.

“I am done talking about this Payno - get your ass on that bed!” Louis said loudly, another round of laughter coming from Niall and Ashton.

“You think? Watch me sleep next to Niall and you on the floor.” Liam shot back.

“For God’s sake - you're going to sleep in both beds what's the difference?!” Thomas whined glaring at the ceiling, loud enough so they could hear him.

The boys laughed from the other room and I shook my head. Sometimes I wonder how old they really are. Louis starts everything and makes every other dude lose his temper and actually play along with Louis’ game reluctantly. He is a little manipulative, I'll give it to him.

“Was that Thomas?” I heard Louis ask before saying, “You shut up Thomas before I come over there and-,“

Sudden footsteps coming up the stairs were heard before Harry's voice came through, “What’s going on?” he asked, stepping inside the other room, his deep voice vibrating through the walls.

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