Chapter 45

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Gotta slow up gotta shake this high...

~•~ Chapter 45 ~•~

Harry's POV

Following Loki for the past hour has only led us a mile away from where we last seen the boys and Claire fall off the cliff. My abdomen was gone due to the anxiety and pressure that had occurred me. I felt mentally drained, but I controlled myself in front of the lads. I have to be brave and strong, at least in their eyes.

“I bet Loki has completely forgotten what he's looking for and now we're just roaming around for no reason.” Thomas spoke up from behind me, carrying Niall by the shoulder, who chuckled at his words.

“Imagine if he took us to the other side of the shield just because he smelled piss.” Niall cackled, Thomas laughing along while Liam shook his head from beside me.

“You're massive idiots.” he said, unfazed.

“And hot.” Niall added, making Thomas laugh again.

I turned my head, looking at them through my shoulder seriously with my brows pulled low over my eyes and my jaw clenched. Thoma's amused eyes instantly dropped as he cleared his throat and got serious, nudging Niall lightly to inform him about my reaction. Niall just pursed his lips tightly, fighting the urge to laugh or say another joke, probably. This isn't the fucking time to laugh, how do they even have the guts to say a joke when we got people missing?

I ticked my head slightly back, glancing over at Cole, who has been following us quietly for the past hour. A sad frown tugged at his features, his head stoop low and his hands were deep inside his pockets. A hint of guilt pang at me for being so blatantly harsh at him yesterday, but I don't really regret speaking out the truth.

Directing my gaze forwards, I could sense the odd crawling feeling as the thought of never finding Claire sank into my stomach. I kept staring Loki’s tail that was straight up as he sniffed around, hoping he will get to find something. There must be some trace, just anything, that could lead us to them. A few minutes later, Loki dipped his paws into the water and started barking. My head clenched as I jogged towards him, feeling an uneasy feeling take all over my body.

“What is it boy?” I asked as I approached him, crouching down beside him, my hand fondling his fur. He kept barking at the river and I looked around at the waves, searching for what he was calling out.

“Harry over there!” Liam yelled one meter away from me, pointing at a long branch that floated, with a wet red shirt with white stripes soaked on top of it.


“Oh God.” I whispered before I walked further into the river, the cold water sending shudders all over my spin.

I walked slower, my arms raised in the air as I moved, pushing a few leaves and branches out of my way. My heart tugged painfully when I reached over and pulled the fabric of the shirt, bringing it close to my chest. I clutched tightly, hiding my face in the wet fabric as I felt my insides twisting and hurting uncontrollably. This is hers. This might be the last thing I will have of her.

At this moment, I felt like crumbling.

I clenched my jaw tightly, holding everything inside. Suppressing my feelings to the tip of my stomach felt like suffocating. My chest caved as I drew a deep shaky breath, my closed eyes becoming teary. The emptiness and sadness was filling me up, torturing me devilishly. I want her back. I want her safe and sound, right by my side, where she belongs.

I didn't even realize how tightly I was squeezing the shirt in my hands until my knuckles started to ache. I heard Liam call out for me, his voice smooth and low. Opening slowly my eyes, a single tear rolled down my left cheek unwillingly. I quickly wiped it with my shoulder and cleared my throat that felt like it was closing in on me as I turned around, my eyes scanning around the area for more stuff that might give us any clue of where to go.

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